New Tutorial: Android Todo List

This is to announce that a new tutorial is about to be created that will teach and explain how to build an aepp similar to the todo list aepp but this will be on the android operating system using the aepp-sdk-java.
It will explain

  1. Using contraect-maven-plugin to generate the Java class equivalent of a Sophia Contract.
  2. Using the aepp-sdk-java to deploy a contract.
  3. Using the aepp-sdk-java to make smart contract function calls.
  4. Handling and generation of KeyPairs with the aepp-sdk-java

The android app that will be built will allow the user to

  • create tasks
  • list tasks
  • edit tasks
  • delete tasks
    It, combined with the tutorial here will serve as a good starting point for android developers that want to build apps on the aeternity blockchain, there will also be a tutorial video that will explain all that the tutorial(write up) will cover

looking forward to see this. thanks @jesulonimi!

for everyone that is already interested in playing around with the contraect-maven-plugin at this point of time there exists a showcase application:

unfortunately we currently haven’t provided a README there. you need to run the docker-compose stack in order to be able to run the tests :wink: