请更新挖矿教程/Please update the mining tutorial





Our Chinese community is a vibrant community, but many members of the community have just been exposed to blockchain and Aeternity. Most members are not computer or blockchain experts, and they have many problems, such as how to mine.
They have heard of mining, and most of them have a computer, but they do not have the latest mining tutorial explanations. They are full of enthusiasm, but they cannot participate.
The mining tutorial seems to be very old, and we urgently need a new and most detailed mining tutorial.
We hope that the team will update the mining tutorial in a timely manner, and be sure to explain in detail, so that our community can become more active.



非常感谢大家提出这个问题–看到我们的社区有这么多热情,真是太棒了!:rocket: 我们完全明白,进入区块链和挖矿领域可能会让人一头雾水,尤其是在不了解最新操作方法的情况下。




Hey !

Thanks a ton for bringing this up – it’s super cool to see so much enthusiasm in our community! :rocket: We totally get that jumping into blockchain and mining can be a bit of a head-scratcher, especially without the latest how-tos.

Good news: we’re on it! :hammer_and_wrench: We’re putting together some fresh, easy-to-follow mining tutorials to help get everyone up to speed. Plus, we’ll make sure they’re packed with all the nitty-gritty details you need.

Stay tuned for updates, and in the meantime, don’t hesitate to shoot over any questions or ideas you’ve got. Let’s keep the vibe alive and make our community even more awesome together!


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We have been paying attention to Aeternity. Recently, the idea of cross-chain interoperability is great. Aeternity is like a new continent, but many adventurers can’t enter here outside. We need enough bridges to connect here. When the bridge passage is fully opened, there will be a sea of people here.

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