Privacy with a mixer contract like ethereum tornado? Anyone working on something like this/

Is private transactions ever coming to protocol or are there other solutions being worked on? I’m not sure if ae would be legally allowed to do it themselves, but something like bitcoin laundry coin join is better than nothing. Is this possible to do in a decentralized way? I’m not an expert on these things but it would be nice to have the option of private tx. Is it a problem that the network does not have high volume right now making it harder to conceal?


The next network upgrade will bring a bunch of mathematical operations to sophia, which will make writing protocols using zkSNARK faster and probably much more feasible than it’d currently be. Afterwards, I’d like to design something using our generalized accounts. I’m not aware of anyone currently working on something in that direction for Aeternity.


The upgrade and zksbarks coming is good especially with generalized accounts although I do not fully understand the benefits.


that sounds great! :slight_smile:

is there already a timeline for the upcoming iris hardfork? or are there still open topics that should be covered there and aren’t implemented yet?

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Unfortunately I cannot answer your question. @botanicalcarebot.chain might be able to help.

No timeline and there are open topics. @YaniUnchained can maybe shed some light on this.

just for everybody to know in advance. we know have capabilities for that and there will be a bounty for people interested in building sth. similar to on æternity :wink:

watch out the new æUnited collaboration program :crossed_fingers: