Private transactions

Are there any plans to integrate a solution for private transactions? Few ideas would be by adding more primitives to Sophia for easier & cheaper use of:

  • AZTEC protocol
  • zk-SNARKs (using high performant Sapling update)

I am just digging a little bit into that topic and want to bring this up again because it seems like ZKP solutions become more and more popular and useful.

I guess currently for e.g. zk-SNARKs it isn’t possible to provide a contract to verify proofs on the aeternity blockchain, right?

as this topic wasn’t really discussed I want to ask if it is considered to enable developers to build ZKP solutions on top of aeternity?

I know we have state channels that might solve many privacy issues. but there might be usecases where many parties are involved and state channels then don’t serve as the best solution.

Last year I made a proposal to develop that (I wanted to do it through a grant), but it was rejected by the foundation.

That being said - I totally agree, bringing more privacy tools would make aetrnity more competitive and useful. Though aeternity market share is very small, so not sure if this will help (or if it’s the most critical thing to change it).

There is support for more advanced crypto coming in the next version of the FATE VM (and Sophia) - protocol/ at iris · aeternity/protocol · GitHub

This should be enough to do ZK proofs, etc. Bumping the FATE version is of course only done through a protocol update/hard fork.