Results: æHub Africa’s Hackathon

Hello everyone,

The æHub Africa’s virtual Hackathon What The Hack! was a great success!!!

The event attracted nearly 200 sign-ups out of which the judges narrowed down 4 ideas that could integrate blockchain into their solutions :slightly_smiling_face:

Get more details and photos here:



Cool! Congrats! I think that every event like this matters for the integrity of the community


Yes, exactly, and it gives people opportunity to turn their ideas and passions into a viable business :slight_smile:

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Team-building time! :smiley:
I didn’t know the events became so widespread, though. Seems like all over Europe and on other continents as well :sunglasses:

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Yes, we are so happy about that :slight_smile:
This coming weekend, æternity’s æmbassadors are organizing decentralized hackathonsall around the world!

So hurry up and participate!

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