[ROADMAP] Aeternity HyperChains General Roadmap & Release Schedule 2021

already one month ;any new?

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Waiting is also a kind of beauty, please be patient. Hold AE and wait for 4 or 8 years, he will give you all the dreams you are looking forward to now

I’m one of the longest AE holders. It has devalued maybe by 100 times since I last bought it, but I haven’t sold not a single one of it.

Why? Because I stopped speculating on coins & because I still see a hope in this tech.

The team made some fundamental mistakes:

  1. Setting inflation rate too high
  2. Not thinking about at least partially migrating to POS right away
  3. Not communicating with the community in a meaningful manner

In terms of value store, AE is a complete garbage but the base technology it stand on is very solid.

If AE team manages to deliver hyperchains in time, there is still a chance for the whole AE ecosistem to recover, else everything that was done here will be meaningless as other blockchains improve & AE will just have no resources to do so.

Hyperchains or any other means of migrating to POS/POW will show if this project was made to succeed or was made to just be a playfield for some developers to improve their blockchain understanding.


my personal goal is to improve exactly this heavily. you’re invited to join our discord server where meaningful discussions about AE can take place: æternity Blockchain


this is why CEX paranoid about dealing with AE after multiple attack. Hyperchain could solve this problem but it’s not sustainable with volatile bitcoin txn fee. Hyperchain need to hop on multiple POW blockchain so the txn fee will be reasonable.


Technology is done well, does not equal to the success of the currency price;
Currency price is done well, equal to the success of the project.

It’s very simple. You can buy projects that you think are successful and give up projects that you think are unsuccessful. Don’t waste your time and others’ time doing useless things…