Should there be light nodes

Should there be light nodes? Do we need light nodes?
I can set up a full node, but my computer hard drive doesn’t allow me to do that.
Suppose I want minimal development, and I want nodes to make a quick impact, and I have to set up nodes locally.
Heavy full node it limited my hard drive. I can choose some of the public nodes, but they’re not friendly. I’m in East 8 and the user is in west.
Should there be a faster way to simply verify that the tokens I send are legitimate?


We are working on light nodes as we speak - [Completed] Aeternity node maintenance - iris hard fork release candidate - #78 by lydia
Expect it soon.

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As the AE node becomes bigger, when can we have a lightweight node?

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Did you try out the new node release already @LiuShao.chain?