[Solved] Error data: {"reason":"bad_type"}

Pls help me out, I keep getting these errors in my browser console each time I try to connect my daepp to my smart contract: POST https://compiler.aepps.com/decode-data 403
index.js:96 Http request for https://compiler.aepps.com/decode-data failed with status code 403. Status: .
Error data: {“reason”:“bad_type”}
(anonymous) @ index.js:96
Promise.catch (async)
callStatic @ index.js:96
async function (async)
callStatic @ index.js:92
(anonymous) @ index.js:153
async function (async)
(anonymous) @ index.js:148
load (async)
(anonymous) @ index.js:106
index.js:154 Tranaction Record undefined
index.js:94 calledGet {result: {…}, decode: ƒ}

This is my sophia contract code:
contract KwikJobsContract =

record transactionRecord={
   hirersAddress    :     address,
   workersAddress   :     address,
   amountPaid       :     int,
   miliId           :     string }

record state = {paymentsMade:map(int,transactionRecord),transactionRecordsLength:int}

entrypoint init()={paymentsMade ={},transactionRecordsLength=0}

entrypoint getPayment(index:int):transactionRecord =
None => abort(“There was no user with this index”)
Some(x) => x

stateful entrypoint makePayment(miliId’:string,amount:int,workersAddress’:address)=
let pTrans={hirersAddress=Call.caller,workersAddress=workersAddress’,amountPaid=amount,miliId=miliId’}
let index=getTransactionRecordsLength()+1

entrypoint getTransactionRecordsLength():int=

public stateful entrypoint handlePayment(index:int)=
let pTracRec=getPayment(index)
let updatedAmount=pTracRec.amountPaid-pTracRec.amountPaid
let updatedPTrac=state.paymentsMade{[index].amountPaid=updatedAmount}

This is my index.js code:

var workersAddress;
var contractAddress;
var contractSource;

firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user) {
// User is signed in.
var paymentDialog = document.querySelector(‘#PaymentDialog’);
var dialog = document.querySelector(‘#loginDialog’);
if (! dialog.showModal) {

} else {


    // No user is signed in.
    var dialog = document.querySelector('#loginDialog');
    //   if (! dialog.showModal) {
    //     dialogPolyfill.registerDialog(dialog);
    //   }




function() {

    var email = $("#loginEmail").val();
    var password = $("#loginPassword").val();

    if (email != "" && password != "") {

        firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).catch(function(error) {
            // Handle Errors here.
            var errorCode = error.code;
            var errorMessage = error.message;


function() {

    firebase.auth().signOut().then(function() {
        // Sign-out successful.
    }).catch(function(error) {
        // An error happened.



('#paymentButton').click(async function() { var workersPublicAddress = (‘#workersPublicAddress’).val();
var amount = ('#amount').val(); var workersId = (‘#workersId’).val();
var timeMilli = $(‘#timeMilli’).val();
var paymentAmount = parseInt(amount);

var addresString = parseInt(workersPublicAddress, 256);
await contractCall('makePayment', [timeMilli, paymentAmount, workersPublicAddress], paymentAmount);
// await contractCall('handlePayment',[])

var amounts = parseInt(amount) + parseInt(amount);

var paymentDialog = document.querySelector('#PaymentDialog');

// paymentDialog.close();
//   window.alert(workersPublicAddress+" "+amounts+" "+workersId+" "+timeMilli);

var client = null;
async function callStatic(func, args) {
const contract = await client.getContractInstance(contractSource, { contractAddress });
const calledGet = await contract.call(func, args, { callStatic: true }).catch(e => console.error(e));
console.log(‘calledGet’, calledGet);

const decodeGet = await calledGet.decode().catch(e => console.error(e));
return decodeGet;


async function contractCall(func, arg, value) {
const contract = await client.getContractInstance(contractSource, { contractAddress });
const calledGet = await contract.call(func, arg, { amount: value }).catch(e => console.error(e));
console.log(‘calledGet’, calledGet);
return calledGet;
window.addEventListener(‘load’, async() => {
contractAddress = “ct_28SSYzkLBajsuU62KYFZoMSa9g1MVCmaKYU3Dzx8B87kredAZQ”;
contractSource = `
contract KwikJobsContract =

record transactionRecord={
hirersAddress : address,
workersAddress : address,
amountPaid : int,
miliId : string

record state = {paymentsMade:map(int,transactionRecord),transactionRecordsLength:int}

entrypoint init()={paymentsMade ={},transactionRecordsLength=0}

entrypoint getPayment(index:int):transactionRecord =
None => abort(“There was no user with this index”)
Some(x) => x

stateful entrypoint makePayment(miliId’:string,amount:int,workersAddress’:address)=
let pTrans={hirersAddress=Call.caller,workersAddress=workersAddress’,amountPaid=amount,miliId=miliId’}
let index=getTransactionRecordsLength()+1

entrypoint getTransactionRecordsLength():int=

public stateful entrypoint handlePayment(index:int)=
let pTracRec=getPayment(index)
let updatedAmount=pTracRec.amountPaid-pTracRec.amountPaid
let updatedPTrac=state.paymentsMade{[index].amountPaid=updatedAmount}
console.log(“hi hacbocbobco”);
client = await Ae.Aepp();
var paymentsLength = await callStatic(‘getTransactionRecordsLength’, );
console.log(“hi hacbocbobco”);
console.log(‘paymentsLength’, paymentsLength);
for (let i = 1; i <= paymentsLength; i++) {
const transactionRecord = await callStatic(‘getPayment’, [i]);
console.log(‘Tranaction Record’, transactionRecord);
// var workersAddress=paymentTransaction.workersAddress;
// amountPaid=paymentTransaction.amountPaid;
// console.log(amountPaid+ “This is the amount paid”);
// console.log(workersAddress,“This is the workers address”);
// // ('#workersPublicAddress').val(workersAddress); // (‘#amount’).val(amountPaid);



function hexToString(tmp) {
var arr = tmp.split(’ '),
str = ‘’,
i = 0,
arr_len = arr.length,

for (; i < arr_len; i += 1) {
    c = String.fromCharCode(h2d(arr[i]));
    str += c;

return str;


@vlad.chain, @albena.chain, @erik.chain, @philipp.chain


can you please format your code and also provide how you try to call the contract, as this is where the error is

I’ve included my index.js code in my post. The daepp is a webpage that allows users (Job hirer) to sign in, enter some required data and make ae payment to the smart contract address which will then transfer the ae tokens to another user (Worker) after the work has been done and approved by the hirer as satifactory. Now the error occurs here (Base æpp) while loading this page i.e via the console log

Can you please narrow your code down to what function with what exact input data gives the error? Please also do format your code here, otherwise it is impossible for me to help without guessing whats going on.

I’d also encurage you to have a look at our new contract methods interface which could solve your issue.

I met with your teammate and have solved this issue. You were using the outdated JS SDK which was causing the errors.

Use <script src="https://unpkg.com/@aeternity/aepp-sdk/dist/aepp-sdk.browser-script.js"></script> instead of <script src="aepp-sdk.js"></script>

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Thanks, the problem has been solved. I just needed to update the aepp-sdk I was using


Thanks to both of you for figuring it out :slight_smile:

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