[Solved] Error When calling makePayment Function

contract ContractName =

  record payment =
    { companyAddress : address,
      clientAddress  : address,
      clientName     : string,
      companyPercent : string,
      amount         : int }

  record state =
    { payments        : map(int, payment),
      paymentsLength  : int }

  function init() =
    { payments = {},
      paymentsLength = 0 }

  public function getPaymentsLength() : int =

  public stateful function makePayment(clientAddress' : address, clientName' : string, companyPercent' : string, amount' : int) =
    let payment = { companyAddress = Call.caller, clientAddress = clientAddress', clientName = clientName', companyPercent = companyPercent', amount = amount'}
    let index = getPaymentsLength() + 1
    Chain.spend(payment.clientAddress, Call.value)
    put(state{ payments[index] = payment, paymentsLength = index })
  public function getPayment(index : int) : payment =
  	switch(Map.lookup(index, state.payments))
	    None    => abort("There was no payment with this index registered.")
	    Some(x) => x

I wrote the smart contract code above but it gave me the error below when calling the makePayment Function

{"data":{"reason":"Type errors\nCannot unify address\n and bytes(32)\nwhen checking the application at line 32, column 32 of\n makePayment : (address, string, string, int) => ()\nto arguments\n #b90ba352363755ecf7e3d89988d2352f417317d6a5945bde0aa5616099a38520 :\n bytes(32)\n \"gss\" : string\n \"5%\" : string\n 5000 : int\n"}}

Please where did I get it wrong @vlad.chain, @albena.chain, @erik.chain

Hi @emmanueljet ,

nice to see you here :). I guess this is the same problem as arjanvaneersel is describing here:
Cannot unify address and bytes when passing address in the contract editor . Hope there will be an answer from the dev team soon.

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@emmanueljet @moritzfelipe It is the same error indeed. The dev team just announced that they found a solution and that they will roll out a new version of the contract editor.


Yes, working on it. I’m not sure who exactly but i’ll get the person here to give an ETA when its fixed.


Hello there @emmanueljet ,

New version of the contracts Aepp was deployed. Issue should be fixed. Please test again.



Thanks will test it soon

Just tested it now and it brought out the same error.

{"data":{"reason":"Type errors\nCannot unify address\n and bytes(32)\nwhen checking the application at line 32, column 32 of\n makePayment : (address, string, string, int) => ()\nto arguments\n #700916edc82321501e6ecbc1b983d0678befa0cf77682086691108cdff214851 :\n bytes(32)\n \"EKSU\" : string\n \"8%\" : string\n 5000 : int\n"}}

I tested on https://testnet.contracts.aepps.com/

Hey @emmanueljet,

Are you sure that you are sending the right params? I tried calling the function with these parameters, and it seems to work;
ak_2mwRmUeYmfuW93ti9HMSUJzCk1EYcQEfikVSzgo6k2VghsWhgU, 'Martin', '20', 200

Can you try again?


Thanks So Much it’s working now

Thanks for the contribution @martingrigorov.chain, @zkvonsnarkenstein.chain, @emin.chain and @moritzfelipe. I will post about the project soon once am done.