[solved] [golang] sign and broadcast raw tx

what I have

key := keyPair{ 
				PublicKey: "ak_2mwRmUeYmfuW93ti9HMSUJzCk1EYcQEfikVSzgo6k2VghsWhgU",
				PrivateKey: "bb9f0b01c8c9553cfbaf7ef81a50f977b1326801ebf7294d1c2cbccdedf27476e9bbf604e611b5460a3b3999e9771b6f60417d73ce7c5519e12f7e127a1225ca" }

contractAddress := "ct_2kWCEEgo35ic93wAfpeaugVKeYYyaupCUQHs3u6YUDHLQPRcUd"
nodeURL := "http://localhost:3001"

what I do

account, err := aeternity.AccountFromHexString(key.PrivateKey)
node := aeternity.NewNode(nodeURL, false)
ctx := aeternity.NewContextFromURL(nodeURL, key.PublicKey, false)

and my question is how to sign this rax tx and broadcast it?

			signedTx, txHash, signature := aeternity.SignHashTx(kp *Account, tx Transaction, "ae_devnet")
			signedTxStr, err := aeternity.SerializeTx(&tx)
			aeternity.BroadcastTransaction(node, signedTxStr)

node 3.2.0
compiler 3.2.0
networkID = “ae_devnet”
why tx is invalid?!

package main

import (


func main() {
	contractAddress := "ct_HVb6d4kirgqzY1rShmzRTRwukcsXobjHcpLVD2EggoHmn6wt2"
	nodeURL := "http://localhost:3001"

	type keyPair struct {
		PublicKey  string
		PrivateKey string

	key := keyPair{
		PublicKey:  "ak_2mwRmUeYmfuW93ti9HMSUJzCk1EYcQEfikVSzgo6k2VghsWhgU",
		PrivateKey: "bb9f0b01c8c9553cfbaf7ef81a50f977b1326801ebf7294d1c2cbccdedf27476e9bbf604e611b5460a3b3999e9771b6f60417d73ce7c5519e12f7e127a1225ca"}

	account, err := aeternity.AccountFromHexString(key.PrivateKey)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("==> AccountFromHexString", err)

	node := aeternity.NewNode(nodeURL, true)
	// fmt.Printf("COMPILER: %s\n", aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.CompilerURL)
	compiler := aeternity.NewCompiler(aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.CompilerURL, false)

	contractSource := `contract TokenMigration =
		type state = ()
		entrypoint migrate() = ()
		// entrypoint verify(x: string) : bool = true`

	callData, err := compiler.EncodeCalldata(contractSource, "migrate", []string{}) // , []string{alice.Address}
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("[ERROR] EncodeCalldata! %s\n", err)

	// helpers := aeternity.Helpers{Node: node}
	// contract := aeternity.Context{Helpers: helpers, Address: key.PublicKey}

	ctx := aeternity.NewContextFromURL(nodeURL, key.PublicKey, false)
	tx, err := ctx.ContractCallTx(contractAddress, callData, aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.ABIVersion, aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.Amount, *utils.NewIntFromUint64(1e5), aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.GasPrice, *utils.NewIntFromUint64(665480000000000))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("[ERROR] ContractCallTx! %s\n", err)

	signedTx, hash, signature, err := aeternity.SignHashTx(account, &tx, "ae_devnet")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("[ERROR] SignHashTx! %s\n", err)

	fmt.Printf("signedTx %s\n", signedTx)
	fmt.Printf("hash %s\n", hash)
	fmt.Printf("signature %s\n\n", signature)

	// transform the tx into a tx_base64encodedstring so you can HTTP POST it
	signedTxStr, err := aeternity.SerializeTx(&tx)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("[ERROR] SerializeTx! %s\n\n", err)

	err = aeternity.BroadcastTransaction(node, signedTxStr)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("[ERROR] BroadcastTransaction 1! %s\n\n", err)

	fmt.Println(">> SUCCESS <<")

	// RESULT IS =>

	// 	{"reason":"Invalid tx"}
	// [ERROR] BroadcastTransaction 1! [POST /transactions][400] postTransactionBadRequest  Invalid tx

working solution

package main

import (


func main() {
	contractAddress := "ct_2Ker9cb12skKWR2UZLxuT63MZRStC34KkUA9QMAiQFN6DNe5vC"
	nodeURL := "http://localhost:3001"

	type keyPair struct {
		PublicKey  string
		PrivateKey string

	key := keyPair{
		PublicKey:  "ak_fUq2NesPXcYZ1CcqBcGC3StpdnQw3iVxMA3YSeCNAwfN4myQk",
		PrivateKey: "7c6e602a94f30e4ea7edabe4376314f69ba7eaa2f355ecedb339df847b6f0d80575f81ffb0a297b7725dc671da0b1769b1fc5cbe45385c7b5ad1fc2eaf1d609d"}

	account, err := aeternity.AccountFromHexString(key.PrivateKey)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("==> AccountFromHexString", err)

	node := aeternity.NewNode(nodeURL, false)
	// fmt.Printf("COMPILER: %s\n", aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.CompilerURL)
	compiler := aeternity.NewCompiler(aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.CompilerURL, false)

	contractSource := `contract TokenMigration =
		type state = ()
		entrypoint migrate() = ()
		// entrypoint verify(x: string) : bool = true`

	callData, err := compiler.EncodeCalldata(contractSource, "migrate", []string{}) // , []string{alice.Address}
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("[ERROR] EncodeCalldata! %s\n", err)

	// helpers := aeternity.Helpers{Node: node}
	// contract := aeternity.Context{Helpers: helpers, Address: key.PublicKey}

	ctx := aeternity.NewContextFromURL(nodeURL, key.PublicKey, true)

	var abiVersion uint16 = 1 // aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.ABIVersion
	var amount *big.Int = big.NewInt(1)   // aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.Amount
	var gasPrice *big.Int = big.NewInt(1000000000) // aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.GasPrice
	var gas *big.Int = utils.NewIntFromUint64(1e5) // aeternity.Config.Client.Contracts.GasPrice
	var fee *big.Int = utils.NewIntFromUint64(665480000000000)

	tx, err := ctx.ContractCallTx(contractAddress, callData, abiVersion, *amount, *gas, *gasPrice, *fee)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("[ERROR] ContractCallTx! %s\n", err)


	height, _ := node.GetHeight()
	fmt.Println("        ")
	fmt.Printf("==> height: %v \n", height)
	fmt.Printf("==> contractAddress: %s \n", contractAddress)
	fmt.Printf("==> callData: %s \n", callData)
	fmt.Printf("==> amount: %s \n", amount)
	fmt.Printf("==> ABIVersion: %d \n", abiVersion)
	fmt.Printf("==> gas: %s \n", gas)
	fmt.Printf("==> gas price: %s \n", gasPrice)
	fmt.Printf("==> fee: %s \n", fee)
	fmt.Println("        ")

	// fmt.Printf("NetworkID: %s\n", aeternity.Config.Node.NetworkID)


	// newTx, err := aeternity.DeserializeTxStr(aa)
	// if err != nil {
	// 	fmt.Printf("[ERROR] DeserializeTxStr! %s\n\n", err)
	// 	return
	// }

	// signedTx, hash, signature, err := aeternity.SignHashTx(account, newTx, "ae_devnet")
	signedTx, hash, signature, err := aeternity.SignHashTx(account, &tx, "ae_devnet")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("[ERROR] SignHashTx! %s\n", err)

	fmt.Printf("signedTx %s\n", signedTx)
	fmt.Printf("hash %s\n", hash)
	fmt.Printf("signature %s\n\n", signature)

	// transform the tx into a tx_base64encodedstring so you can HTTP POST it
	signedTxStr, err := aeternity.SerializeTx(&signedTx)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("[ERROR] SerializeTx! %s\n\n", err)

	err = aeternity.BroadcastTransaction(node, signedTxStr)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("[ERROR] BroadcastTransaction 1! %s\n\n", err)

	fmt.Println(">> SUCCESS <<")

What reason is this error reported when excuse me transfer trades? thank you!
postTransactionBadRequest Invalid tx

Sorry I don’t understand the question. @alekseytsekov.chain can you help?

Hi @finley
The issue was that I passed the wrong tx to ‘aeternity.SerializeTx’. In invalid one I passed ‘&tx’ and the valid valid is ‘&signedTx’ (signed one).

Hi@ aleksey.lime
Thanks for your help ! My problem has been solved. It is indeed the reason for the signature of the transaction, We sign serialized transaction (or the hash of the serialized transaction - from Lima hard-fork) prefixed with the id of the network, Prefix defaults to ae_mainnet. Thank you very much.

Thanks for your help !