[Solved] HELP Required Wallet installation

Hi i need simple noob proof instructions on how to

  1. compile/install
  2. secure my wallet
  3. send/receive my first tokens

OS: Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04
type: headless

I want to add support for it on my platform and the instructions on the git seem incorrect.

Which wallet are you referring to?

How many are there? I’d like to run a wallet fit for services such as contract creation, exchange and all other available option. I need a “full node”

You can follow this tutorial for running a full node.

As for the wallet you can see the base-aepp repo and run it yourself if that is what you need, also you can install the waellet browser extension (which is currently in public beta).

I don’t think the browser extension would fit my purposes. I’ll follow the guide and update you. Thanks!

Currently you cannot use any wallet for contract creation.

You can use the online tool here, or forgae tool (available in npm) and develop, test and deploy the contracts locally.

I managed to get here:- {“difficulty”:360773124080,“genesis_key_block_hash”:“kh_pbtwgLrNu23k9PA6XCZnUbtsvEFeQGgavY4FS2do3QP8kcp2z”,“listening”:true,“network_id”:“ae_mainnet”,“node_revision”:“f2a0dd5faf070064f861b50610f65bf6871b580c”,“node_version”:“3.0.1”,“peer_count”:517,“pending_transactions_count”:1,“protocols”:[{“effective_at_height”:90800,“version”:3},{“effective_at_height”:47800,“version”:2},{“effective_at_height”:0,“version”:1}],“solutions”:0,“sync_progress”:3.97465,“syncing”:true}

now moving to the second part

Is the base-aepp a wallet ? How to use it ?

Yes, it is. Go to base.aepps.com or the github repo I posted above if you want to build and run it yourself.

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