We’re trying to deploy a contract in a state channel. We were reading the docs and we know we have to call createContract, but we don’t know how to get all the parameters. The parameters are the following:
function createContract ({ code, callData, deposit, vmVersion, abiVersion }, sign)
For example, how can we get callData? Is that the encoded contructor and parameters call?
Hi @fedecaccia
I see your question is more regarding the JS SDK than it is regarding channels themselves.
The channels off-chain protocol regarding updates tends to follow the on-chain one. This is to reduce confusion. For example off-chain transfers closely resemble on-chain spend transaction with their set of arguments. Same stands true for off-chain contract create and call events: they take the same arguments as on-chain contract_create_tx
and contract_call_tx
would use, including the call data. You can read about those here.
To answer your question:
is the encoded contract bytecode
is the encoded contract initial call
is the amount the contract owner dedicates to the contract itself
and abiVersion
are the VM and ABI being used (tautology, but not sure how elaborate this further :D)
I think the best examples can be found in integration tests https://github.com/aeternity/aepp-sdk-js/blob/develop/test/integration/channel.js. I’ve extracted most relevant parts for creating a contract below:
const account = await Universal({
networkdId: '__NETWORK_ID__',
url: '__URL__',
internalUrl: '__INTERNAL_API_URL__',
keypair: {
publicKey: '__PUBLIC_KEY__',
secretKey: '__SECRET_KEY___'
const channel = await Channel({
// ... Channel params
const identityContract = `
contract Identity =
type state = ()
public function main(x : int) = x
// Let's compile the contract
const code = await account.compileContractAPI(identityContract)
// Now encode call for initialization
const callData = await account.contractEncodeCallDataAPI(identityContract, 'init', [])
// Create contract inside the channel
const { address, accepted } = await channel.createContract({
deposit: 1000,
vmVersion: 3,
abiVersion: 1
}, async (tx) => await account.signTransaction(tx))
Now if you want to call this contract you can do it like this:
const result = await channel.callContract({
amount: 0,
callData: await account.contractEncodeCallDataAPI(identityContract, 'main', ['42']),
contract: address,
abiVersion: 1
}, async (tx) => await account.signTransaction(tx))
Thanks! Your answer was very useful!