[Solved] Problems using AE online IDE

I’m in trouble using aeternity online tools to compile smart contracts. For example, using this one: https://testing.playground.aepps.com/editor, the compiler says:

Cannot read property 'getContractInstance' of null
~ this.instance.compile is not a function

and using this another one: https://testnet.contracts.aepps.com/ I get:

Test contracts Error connecting to https://sdk-testnet.aepps.com/ – Modify Settings 
Error: Unsupported node version 3.0.0-rc.1. Supported: >= 1.4.0 < 3.0.0 (wrong private/public key)

The testnet is testing the next hardfork version of the aeternity network currently, this is probably a result, so the tool is not updated to use the new version yet.

@noandrea probably knows more about it.

The sdk-testnet node has been updated to the latest release v3.0.0-rc1 and will be hard forking on Monday early morning.
The Python and Javascript SDKs do support already the new version and you can use them to interact with the testnet ( you can check the tech twitter account to know when a new release is shipped ).

For other online tools they are not yet updated, I am sure that they will be soon but I cannot give a more precise date since I am not directly involved in the projects. cc @martingrigorov.chain

@fedecaccia if you feel like you can make a PR for the contracts app or the or the playground app and update the sdk version to the latest one.



The issue with the playground is that your config file is empty - you don’t have an account there. This issue is fixed and we will provide a test account for you.

Regarding the contracts aepp, the version of the node as Andrea said is currently updated. We will deploy and release new version of both tools on Monday.

If you then have any issues please contact us again.


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@fedecaccia The ContractsAepp is up and running and you can use it.



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now is working, thanks!