Sophia compiler v4.2.0

Sophia compiler v4.2.0 is released

The HTTP front-end to the compiler is available through docker-hub. We expect the SDKs and development tools to pick up the (minor) changes in the coming weeks. The CLI compiler has a new option to extract the compiler version from bytecode. The HTTP front-end also has a new endpoint for extracting compiler version from bytecode, as well as a new endpoint for getting FATE assembler code from FATE bytecode. The compiler itself now allows pattern matching in left-hand sides, this means code can be written in an even more nice way, see the examples below and at Advent of Code - 2019

What is new - aesophia


  • Allow separate entrypoint/function type signature and definition, and pattern
    matching in left-hand sides:
        length : list('a) => int
        length([])      = 0
        length(x :: xs) = 1 + length(xs)
  • Allow pattern matching in list comprehension generators (filtering out match
      function somes(xs : list(option('a))) : list('a) =
        [ x | Some(x) <- xs ]
  • Allow pattern matching in let-bindings (aborting on match failures):
      function test(m : map(int, int)) =
          let Some(x) = Map.lookup(m, 0)


  • FATE code generator improvements.
  • Bug fix: Handle qualified constructors in patterns.
  • Bug fix: Allow switching also on negative numbers.

What is new - aesophia_http


  • Added the endpoint fate-assembler
  • Added the endpoint compiler-version


What is new - aesophia_cli


  • Added option --compiled_by to extract the compiler version from either a file or a
    contract byte array.
