Sophia contract for a simple voting aepp error

Hi team,
I picked a code from aeternity dev tutorial( * TUTORIAL: How to create a Sophia contract for a simple voting aepp?).

I have changed public function to public entrypoint but still getting an error as attached.

@Julius in the new compiler version public function is replaced by entrypoint and function only now stands for private function

And also change the function lookupByAddress to look_up_by_address on row 34. The error says that you don’t have a variable like that defined, so you need to change it to the one you have :slight_smile:

Try to correct that and I think it should fix some of the problems that you have.


Oops! I didn’t see lookupByAddress syntatically.
It’s compiling as expected. Thanks @martingrigorov.chain :sweat_smile:

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