Hi, currently the AEX9 contract will fail to call the (balances) method if the number of users is very large. At present I want to get the leaderboard of AEX9, sort first and then take out. Currently, I always get an error when I call sort, for reasons unknown. Can you take a look at it for me?
This is an aex9 token that has some number of users:
@compiler >= 4.3
include “List.aes”
contract FungibleTokenInterface =
entrypoint balances : () => map(address, int)
contract FungibleTokenBalances =
record state = {
def : int
stateful entrypoint
init : () => state
init () =
{ def = 0}
stateful entrypoint
get_balances : (FungibleTokenInterface) => list(address * int)
get_balances (token) =
let accounts_list = Map.to_list(token.balances())
let accounts_sort = List.sort((a, b)=>cmp(a,b), accounts_list)
cmp : ((address * int), (address * int)) => bool
cmp((a1, a2), (b1,b2)) =