State of Development: Week of May 14th, 2018

Hi all,

Check out this week’s development update - it’s focused on enabling smart contract execution in State Channels, implementing Bitcoin-NG and extensive testing.

One can already open a state channel, transfer funds and mutually close the channel, although some work is still needed to enable the execution of smart contracts in a State Channels and this is one of the tasks our core dev team is currently focusing on.

Learn more here.

Best regards,
The AE Team

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link:State of Development: Week of May 14th, 2018 | by æternity | æternity blog

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​​我们正在继续我们关于状态通道功能的工作。 目前,可以开通状态通道,转移资金并关闭状态通道,但仍需要一些工作才能在状态通道中执行智能合约,这是我们核心开发团队目前关注的任务之一。


我们正在努力的另一项主要任务是实施Bitcoin-NG作为共识协议。 该协议的核心是实现的,现在我们专注于调整其余代码,将Bitcoin-NG集成到我们的系统中(调整关键/微块的持续策略,扩展叉处理以覆盖微叉,将验证扩展到 处理微观锁和关键块等)。



厉害 厉害 各项功能实现的都很完美 就等着主网上线了 我估计还要等一个多月