[Suggestion] Rename Base æpp & use different URL

I was at a crypto meetup here in Liechtenstein yesterday and showing as always the Base æpp to people who have never used it before. Every time I do it, I’ve to observe a confusion from the other side regarding to it’s naming most of the times. Wouldn’t be way more self-explanatory to call it “Base Waellet” (“strangers” understand it immediately after telling to them it’s actually æternity’s base wallet) instead of “Base æpp” and to change the URL to base.aeternity.com instead of base.aepps.com ?

Looking forward to hear your thoughts about it!


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Why the word “base” at all ?

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I would be against renaming to avoid confusion. I think when base-aepp changes it’s concept from being an aepp store to facilitate providing identity to aepps a different way, it could eventually be relaunched under another name.

At a certain point in the future the base aepp will be superseded by something else. Until then we are making limited improvements to it. Many efforts beyond making sure there is a ui for the aens auctions coming up via lima and deeplinking are most likely not a great use of resources.

Re: name: the idea for name comes from your “base” as in starting point into æternity… in the app stores it’s called Base æpp Wallet and in some cases it’s referred to as Base æpp Wallet & Browser… I agree that we can find a far superior/more communicative name for this concept… and we will find a more communicative metaphor for the successor of the base aepp. There is a similar issue with its icon, social media presence and so on… but the same logic applies: we will put more effort into these things for its successor instead of rebranding something which will be superseded.