Hey everyone,
This week, the SuperheroLeague will brainstorm on how to accelerate the transformation of our society in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Topics at hand will spread from governance and legal system transformation, liquid democracy, DAOs and LAOs, and automation.
At the Entrepreneurs Stage, you’ll see Ismael Arribas (Government Blockchain Association - Spanish Chapter president), Justin Graside (Digital Party, Uruguay), Gordon Einstein (Founding partner, CryptoLaw Partners), Vlaho Hrdalo (Chairman of the Croatian Union for Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies), and Dr. Andrea Cali (Relational AI).
Meantime, at the Developer Stage, @emmanueljet will showcase AEtweet and HMS (Hospital Management System), @zkvonsnarkenstein.chain will brainstorm on public vs private blockchains, @philipp.chain will present best practices of æpps development, and @dimitar.chain will hold an Ask Me Anything session.
Register below and join us tomorrow at 4 PM CEST: