SuperheroLeague — Accelerating the transformation of our society, April 24, 2020

Hey everyone,

This week, the SuperheroLeague will brainstorm on how to accelerate the transformation of our society in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Topics at hand will spread from governance and legal system transformation, liquid democracy, DAOs and LAOs, and automation.

At the Entrepreneurs Stage, you’ll see Ismael Arribas (Government Blockchain Association - Spanish Chapter president), Justin Graside (Digital Party, Uruguay), Gordon Einstein (Founding partner, CryptoLaw Partners), Vlaho Hrdalo (Chairman of the Croatian Union for Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies), and Dr. Andrea Cali (Relational AI).

Meantime, at the Developer Stage, @emmanueljet will showcase AEtweet and HMS (Hospital Management System), @zkvonsnarkenstein.chain will brainstorm on public vs private blockchains, @philipp.chain will present best practices of æpps development, and @dimitar.chain will hold an Ask Me Anything session.

Register below and join us tomorrow at 4 PM CEST:
