SuperheroLeague EP 11: Come Join Us!

Discussion on social media, plus a presentation of Æ Studio by Nikita Fuchs. Join us for tomorrow’s SuperheroLeague!

Dev’s Playground

Devs interested in building awesome things on æternity should not miss tomorrow’s episode: Nikita Fuchs will be presenting Æ Studio (formerly known as Fire Editor) at the Dev’s Playground.

Hot Topic: Social Media

If you were to reimagine social media, what would it look like? Is there a right way to build its mechanics while making sure that the platform sustains itself—all the while respecting user privacy and rights?
Let us know your thoughts at tomorrow’s panel. We’d love to hear different sides of the debate!



We also want to discuss your ideas at SuperheroLeague! I’m collecting feedback to create polls for our topics tomorrow:

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