Hello everyone,
I am running some transactions on testnet through ae studio
and Gas price is 10x to the default. However, I still get this error a lot and transactions take too much time as well.
query - call errored: Error: Giving up after 3 blocks mined, transaction hash: th_VJCbKHGThgrytdoNDJu3Jouu5xYXh9N1jXUEcDNsBVssGQHeX Most likely there is a syncing issue in the load balanced testnet nodes, please re-deploy the contract and try again.
rawTx : tx_+O4LAfhCuECH0IfwQ0+qiQjOxH0tVgtSf45UBeURKw3nrA2bYcSKtj4zwfnHhS/jvyDtNhxCtrJoAufiuO+6MqndJOV+NuUPuKb4pCsBoQGAMknsLkiICZo39gk6GGXx/HVQdPWCBSQeOvEROaaLCRmhBTHgOE3BilmyZ4uPTK6qc7YqZ2e50BhunsqnfaJ0Ynv/A4amuoN68AAAiAFjRXhdigAAgxgX+IUCVAvkALg/KxGJFi3FK9lKZWV2YW5fX2dlbmlldm90QHlhbmRleGllcy5jb21fX19fPGI+SGVsbG8gaW4gYm9sZDwvYj5/qzN5Xw==
verifyTx : function(){return f.unpackAndVerify(e)}
The gas price
is 35x, logging 404 on transaction