Hello, admin, I have a searious trouble, an important bug.
My aename is ‘dead.test’ for adress’ak_JFkVmYeY9iP4gmKexBHx7t1aAj1R6FGvBdWaZRBVLuuzWv83j’
I had sent 50 AE to ‘dead.test’ on ‘Base æpp’, the hash is ‘æternity Explorer’,
but the recevied adress is ‘ak_2WZoa13VKHCamt2zL9Wid8ovmyvTEUzqBjDNGDNwuqwUQJZG4t’, its not mine, I lost 50 AE, I don’t know what reason and how it works.
According to aeknow.org the dead.test aens is registered to address:
Register AENS of Aeternity - AEKnow
Name hash: nm_k9C26LsmrrB8s6URnDAFmKbQfkQzA4A5aEFif2cFoDYYeXaJp
In the Base [email protected], we decided to use the owner
field instead of pointers to make the interface more user-friendly. To get owner address for a specific name, the Base app requests middleware. Currently, https://mdw.aepps.com/middleware/names/dead.test returns two records for dead.test
name that have different owners values:
- ak_2WZoa13VKHCamt2zL9Wid8ovmyvTEUzqBjDNGDNwuqwUQJZG4t
- ak_JFkVmYeY9iP4gmKexBHx7t1aAj1R6FGvBdWaZRBVLuuzWv83j
This wasn’t expected behavior, the Base app uses the first record.
The middleware team refused to document middleware/names
endpoint properly: Document behavior of `middleware/names` endpoint · Issue #121 · aeternity/aeternal · GitHub
I have created an issue in Middleware to address this: `middleware/names` on mdw.aepps.com returns outdated data · Issue #150 · aeternity/aeternal · GitHub
hello @davidyuk,
just to be clear the Mdw team did not refused to document anything (the mentioned issue was addressed, the endpoint at the time was not available for mainnet and testent Mdw instances).
Also please note that the Mdw is a tool to index and query the aeternity blockchain data (not to be the base-app backend):
for the particular name the Mdw returns two records because the name have been registered two times:
by ak_2WZoa13VKHCamt2zL9Wid8ovmyvTEUzqBjDNGDNwuqwUQJZG4t
from height 16754
to height 92723
and afterwards by ak_JFkVmYeY9iP4gmKexBHx7t1aAj1R6FGvBdWaZRBVLuuzWv83j
from 117285
to 167285
, the latter being the current owner.
Please note also that the owner is not the the address associated with a name, for that you should use the pointers, as described in the protocol documentation.
Currently (height 133804) there are no pointers defined for the name dead.test
as reported by both the nodes (ex sdk-mainnet, mdw node ):
"id": "nm_k9C26LsmrrB8s6URnDAFmKbQfkQzA4A5aEFif2cFoDYYeXaJp",
"pointers": [],
"ttl": 167285
and the Mdw name search:
"id": 1672468,
"name": "dead.test",
"name_hash": "nm_k9C26LsmrrB8s6URnDAFmKbQfkQzA4A5aEFif2cFoDYYeXaJp",
"tx_hash": "th_6Q4sRA73iTjeTy6HAapEUsScTrohDr9y63gh3XswHnPWifdGV",
"created_at_height": 117285,
"owner": "ak_JFkVmYeY9iP4gmKexBHx7t1aAj1R6FGvBdWaZRBVLuuzWv83j",
"expires_at": 167285,
"pointers": null,
"transaction_id": 7079696
Also, wallet applications are the ones responsible to manage funds for the users, please do not try to shift responsibilities for it.
hi @7777777.chain, thanks for reporting the issue on the base-app, we will fix it asap.
We will refund your AE as soon as possible, which is most likely tomorrow. Thanks again for reporting!
I hope this error can be fixed soon!
I think this is a serious bug, I hope that .aet
will not be in the same situation.
I registered two more names, unfortunately, the same error occurred, which is very unsafe.
One name corresponds to multiple addresses.
I feel that my feedback is valuable and worthy of reward, not just refund.
Also, I think that all you are developing too slowly. My son is almost three years old. Should he wait for his son to grow up?
@7777777.chain your feedback is valuable indeed. and we appreciate it.
re: rewards: @vlad.chain is in charge of tipping.
what are your expectations around speed of development? can you elaborate on this?
the base aepp makes between 2 and 4 releases per month and we address user input all the time.
just to be clear the Mdw team did not refused to document anything (the mentioned issue was addressed, the endpoint at the time was not available for mainnet and testent Mdw instances)
that endpoint was in the repository from 24 Jul
at 2 Aug Shubhendu suggested me use
for autosuggestion, without mentioning of that it may return outdated names: Add endpoint returning names starting with or contains passed string · Issue #114 · aeternity/aeternal · GitHub -
I was not able to use that endpoint and asked to document it in #121
at 20 Aug that endpoint was working: `middleware/names` returns "Not found" for registered names on testnet · Issue #120 · aeternity/aeternal · GitHub
at 23 Aug #121 was closed with the explanation of not actual “Not found” behavior instead of updating middleware documentation with
I have to mention in general, that from time to time issues in middleware repository get closed without clear explanation and I have to reopen them several times to get them solved. Or they stay open but with an unclear tag like this one: Inconsistent fields naming in `middleware/names/reverse` · Issue #122 · aeternity/aeternal · GitHub
Also please note that the Mdw is a tool to index and query the aeternity blockchain data
I know it, I’m was asking for documentation or at least to make interface more obvious.
Please note also that the owner is not the the address associated with a name, for that you should use the pointers, as described in the protocol documentation.
It was my proposal as a workaround for issues like this one: Send to name in Base Wallet - #2 by vlad.chain. Usage of this approach was agreed with Stoyan and Philipp.
Also, wallet applications are the ones responsible to manage funds for the users, please do not try to shift responsibilities for it.
The Base app depends on the middleware and the aeternity node if they return unexpected results or changes existing functionality (like deploying update swagger operation ids by shekhar-shubhendu · Pull Request #124 · aeternity/aeternal · GitHub without any coordination with Base app team) it may break the Base app.
And then? NO follow up.
Who can help me?
Haven’t returned my lost tokens yet?
@Jantine @stoyan.chain @vlad.chain
I am happy to send you 50 ae. Just lmk know which address.
Thanks and apologies for the delay.
Here you go:
Apologies for the delay.