[TUTORIAL] Sophia basics - owning a smart contract and owner privileges

Hey everyone,

We want to facilitate all of you who are eager to build on æternity so we are constantly working on new guides and tutorials :slight_smile:

Today, we present to you the Sophia basics- learn what would be your privileges as a smart contract owner.



Hello guys,
while doing this tutorial the tests failed unfortunately at the end:

===== Starting Tests =====

    ✓ deploying successfully (103ms)
    Calling functions
      ✓ Should successfully call the non restricted method (6048ms)
      1) Should successfully call the restricted method

  2 passing (11s)
  1 failing

  1) Restricted
       Calling functions
         Should successfully call the restricted method:
     AssertionError: expected promise to be rejected but it was fulfilled with { Object (result, decode) }

Do you know maybe, why?

Lovely greetings,

Hey @pegah.chain, can you provide a link to the code ?