[UPDATE] Drone Graffiti æpp Introduction and Plan

Hello all,

as few of you may have already seen, we are working on an aepp to facilitate decentralized collaborative artworks on aeternity. One real world event we did make here was our drone graffiti test in Mexico City in February, Details can be found on dronegraffiti.com and instagram.com/drone_graffiti.

Current Status

The aepp and infrastructure for this project is already public at GitHub - aeternity/aepp-graffiti but some aspects of it are still in development and testing phases.

Future Plan

Within the next month we plan to make a public show-case for the aepp on the aeternity mainnet, to show the capabilities of the smart contract platform to create a unique artwork that could be painted by drones. Everyone owning aeternity tokens on mainnet will then be able to participate to bid for available space in this unique collaborative artwork.

Tech Details

The aepp allows for pictures to be transformed to drone flyable paths, time that drones would need to paint this in the real world is estimated and an svg file will be uploaded to ipfs.

A reference to this artwork will be added to the drone graffiti auction smart contract on the aeternity blockchain. Each bid to this auctions includes drone-time, coordinates, reference and amount. All bids will be accepted, but bids that are paying to low to fit in the available space, will be refunded to the participant.

All facets of this process are open-source, everyone is able to participate, verify and event to automate this process due to it’s public nature. So an immutable and public verifiable decentralized artwork will be created. The process is and will be further documented in the github repository.

All of this will be user friendly and integrated as aepp in the base-aepp.

Visual Style Example

The following shows an artwork that was created in our testing sessions, to give an impression of visual style that can be achieved using this process.

I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions!

I’ll be further update you on the development process and about the public roll-out of this for everyone to participate!


Has the project been launched yet?

Hey @xupei, we did a warm-up in February to demonstrate the idea and the technology - three international artists painted using drones on the walls of Mexico City and their art is forever preserved on the æternity blockchain :slight_smile:

Read more about it here:

Hello @xupei, we are still working on some improvements, before rolling out a public version. If you wish to try it out I can send you a link to our version on testnet.

Thank you. We should test more before the project goes online. Then we can see the style of the project after the project launches the public version. Has this project set the time for the release of the public version? About when?

Hello @xupei, if you wish to have a look at our development version of the drone graffiti aepp you can check it out at: https://base-aepp.dronegraffiti.com/ (on phone)

This is a testing version of the base-aepp that automatically rewards you 5 testnet tokens on opening the aepp to try it. Also keep in mind that we are still in development, so don’t be to bothered if something breaks.

I’ll be happy to receive any kind of feedback, so let me know what you think!