Continuando la discusión desde [Active] Cash-Flag:
Schedule for 15 weeks
This project includes the generation of version 2 of Cash-Flag which will run on Aeternity.
The technical team of the project is made up of 3 people, Máximo Sojo, Francisco Herrera and Luis Rodríguez, each will work on one layer of the application.
In parallel, the commercial team works on branding and promotion strategies while the financial team works on defining strategies and procedures for managing working capital.
All three teams will continue to support the current version until the release of the new version.
The technical team has distributed the work as follows:
- Francisco: application layer, front end, construction of the UI and PWA.
- Maximo: technical leader of the project, middle layer, API development that will allow communication to and from the database and Aeternity.
- Luis: data layer, back end, transactions in database and Aeternity, sophia and SQL, smart contracts, state channels and oracles.
Week 1 Update:
- Francisco: Definition and documentation of the application flow.
- Maximo: Elaboration of the project schedule, product backlog and general definition of the API.
- Luis: Definition of the data flow of the application, documentation of requirements, construction of a library to create AE accounts, check balances and carry out transactions for merchants and platform partners.