[Week #18] Aexpansions
Over the last couple of weeks we saw two new aexpansion proposals.
AEX-4 Describes and defines the deep linking specification that every æternity supported wallet can implement and follow to redirect users to a specific activity or page inside the application
- Specification draft:
AEXs/aex-4.md at master · aeternity/AEXs · GitHub - Discussion:
AEX-4 - æternity wallet deep linking specification
- Specification draft:
AEX-6 New Strategic Semantic Syntax: Contract Interaction Wrapper
In addition to new aexpansions there is an active discussion around AEX-2 and @shekhar-shubhendu plans to address:
- As mentioned by many, encryption should not be part of the document.
Transport layer should also not be part of the document. - As above two, same goes for transaction/message serialization and deserialization and it should have its own proposal.
- Finally, AEX should only specify the protocol messages and messages should use the who - what - how rule for naming convention as described by the state channel doc here
Join the discussion here!
About AEX-4 there is currently a discussion to extend the actual proposal in order to allow more universal blockchain interactions with different transaction types.