[Update] Week #24 - Waellet - browser wallet extension

Waellet update week 24

The last two weeks of waellet development we focused on adding new functionalities according to our plan (as in the roadmap).

This includes transaction history support, multiple languages support (with few new languages added), wallet password protection and encryption of private keys. You can see the whole changelog for the last several days here and also in the github repo.

The next version 0.0.4 is available in waellet’s repo release section and is pending approval in the chrome web store as well where it will be available in the next following days.

Any feedback is highly appreciated.


  • Import keystore
  • Protect the wallet with password
    • require password to login
    • changes on how users log into account
  • Encrypt the keypair with user password
  • Use middleware to get transactions
    • show latest 3 transactions in the account page
    • transaction history page with all transactions
    • differentiate incoming and outgoing tx
    • work on transaction history details UI
  • Standardize error messages
  • Work in progress on generalizing popup messages
  • New views and UI improvements
  • New navigation UI
  • new languages support

Thanks for the update. How do I know which version of the waellet I am using? I can’t see that info there.

If you go to your installed extension in the browser settings there is a version field showing the current.

I think we can add this somewhere on the extension with small muted text, just as indication which version you are using. What do you think?

Yes, this could be helpful. I found the version in the extension manager though.

This was added as issue for the current sprint - you can track the status of its development here

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Update: There is a new release 0.0.5 with the new SDK here. (still awaiting for google to publish the new version)

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Update: The version 0.0.5 is published to google store here.

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So I am trying to login into the wallet with a pass. I did not get it right the first time, so I needed to enter the pass again. However, the second time I enter it, the “login” button is no longer doing anything. I edit my password, press login, but nothing happens.

Please raise an issue here

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