[Update] Week #44 - AirGap

In week #44, the AirGap/Papers team has been working on the following tasks.

AirGap Vault

  • Testing and improvements of Ionic 4 branch

  • Update to latest airgap-coin-lib version with additional security fixes

AirGap Coin Library

  • Working on making our library more secure by protecting it against insecure dependencies

  • Working on post-lima token migration

  • Working on message signing


  • Monitoring Lima upgrade - everything works!
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Thank you for the update. Do you guys use GitHub Issues and a public project management tool for airgap like the core protocol team at aeternity?

We use our internal (private) gitlab board to manage the project and the issues.

If a user has a problem, he can still open a github issue and we will give him feedback there.

Regarding the code, the master branch is synced to github automatically whenever it is changed.