[Update] Week #51 - Base æpp Update

During week #51 the Base æpp team worked on and released v0.20.0 at base.aepps.com. v0.20.0 has been submitted for Beta Testing review in iOS and is being rolled out for public testing in Android Play Market. Once the public testing is complete it will be released in production in both platforms.

The release notes are:


  • Mobile: browser landing page is now an HTML page

Code Refactoring

  • Refactored name fees fetching
  • Refactored routing

Bug Fixes

  • AENS bug fixes

Thank you for posting the update.

You are welcome.

v0.20.0 is available for testing in both iOS and Android. We will roll it out to production soon (in the next day or so).

1 Like

I just saw that it is there - yay!