[VIDEO] How to access your non-transferable ERC-20 AE token on aeternity Mainnet (LIMA)

so if you have the mainnet tokens on address ak_2KjS4uprAGjfSMjNG9vofAKitQaigvCcKMnodUzAHFS1SehTMn in your airgap wallet it means that the migration was successful and your ERC-20 tokens on ethereum are worthless. they still exist on ethereum but cannot be transfered.

the “real” AE now live on aeternity mainnet.

if you have access to the private key of address ak_2KjS4uprAGjfSMjNG9vofAKitQaigvCcKMnodUzAHFS1SehTMn you should be able to access and transfer your AE on aeternity.

so what exactly is your problem?

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