[VIDEO] How to access your non-transferable ERC-20 AE token on aeternity Mainnet (LIMA)

Yeah, I used the AE address as well. Only difference is I used my Ledger with MEW.



Hello,I follow the instruccions and after sign and paste the mesage in the Migrating with MEW, i receive this mesage :

I tried several times,the last one have this hash:th_2rXYHVfRErZtA9V2kk6rxufoTwbHruezLkqguiMvP4XGvUaSFj
My eth adress:0x005F99afA575cee39D27A06A5632338F53262
I was tring to migrate first time to : ak_2Bct3LTjNBXMAipe2vgr5inoEns6j5xvXJhdf9AuunRKwZUC5P and after that I maked a new wallet ak_FHSxp4Gd25TWMeUEXy7kFYVCfncNUU46hdwRGPh4BRoZMy4ac

Thank you for all the information, @martingrigorov.chain will check it provide support. This account holds 10 AE tokens ak_2Bct3LTjNBXMAipe2vgr5inoEns6j5xvXJhdf9AuunRKwZUC5P

But i checked your ETH account, you want to transfer the locked 28k, is that correct? Aeternity (AE) Token Tracker | Etherscan

Thank you for prompt response.
Yes,I want to transfer this 28k to the account with 10 ae, ak_2Bct3LTjNBXMAipe2vgr5inoEns6j5xvXJhdf9AuunRKwZUC5P

I am still getting error “Something went wrong” and unable to migrate my lost token to mainnet.

Looking for support.

Hey guys,

we are investigating the issue. It is an issue with bad signature. I will comeback with support.


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Hey all,

We have deployed new version of the migrate tools. Please try to migrate your tokens again and share your results.



So the website is live now?

How to withdraw tokens from airgap vault?

Hi, tried several times to transfer my AE from MEW/Ledger to my AE/Ledger without success.
Followed very carefully the instructions step by step but finally always end with an error message after sending the of copy the signed message.

Perhaps if I move this way can have success?
MEW -> phone wallet -> Ledger

Any ideas?


I checked my Ledger AE account with Base web app and shows the same amount of coins I have in my MEW account. :thinking: is this Ok?

If you have any errors with the migration can you share the following info:

  • What the error is? If there is a failed tx, please copy it here.
  • AE address
  • ETH address


The website is live, yes. You can try to migrate your tokens.

Hi. The message only said “Something went wrong”

Any comments about the update in my message?


Can you share more from the information about the addresses that you use. Also a screenshot from the browser console when the error appears will be helpful.


One user started complaining about the fact that he migrated tokens on Airgap, but he never received them. Do you know what we can do about it? @martingrigorov.chain @andreas

More information about the migration will be needed. The transaction hash of the migration transaction (can be found in the site). The ETH account and the AE account to which the tokens were migrated.


I agree with Martin here. We need more info to know what happened.

AirGap does not yet support the migration of tokens via message signing (post-lima hardfork). So either the user migrated them before the Lima hardfork, or he tris to migrate them with the old method now, which won’t work anymore.

Dear Support

I had the same error like others in here: Migration did not take place.

AE Adr: ak_hkQEFvcYVhQPXBdUiSwbwWR3uB3pz2uoH4GvtvATqLLfyzmEE
eht Adr: 0x04CE546a2715759D97f88a8ef16fa56C37F7C934

Token Migration on NOV 17:


9.223372036854775807 AE were migrated, but there are 14467.0295059 AE left.

What went wrong? Please adivce, my customer is going crazy.

ETH Wallet is on a Trezor with MEW.

Thanks a lot!

@nicetime Have you checked the balance of the account that you have migrated the tokens to? We had an issue in the client-side of the application showing that only this amount is migrated 9.223372036854775807, when actually the whole amount of tokens is migrated to the account. This issue is now fixed.

When double-checking the balance of the accounts that you have provided seems that all of the tokens are migrated.

This was the amount held in the ERC20 contract 14467029505900000000000 and the same amount was send for migration to the smart contract.

Also, the transaction that you have provided is successful, so I am not sure when your error is.


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Thanks a lot Martin!