[VIDEO] How to access your non-transferable ERC-20 AE token on aeternity Mainnet (LIMA)

thanks for your reply, I use mew web site: MyEtherWallet | MEW . eth account is 0x54c8adb5cf8552e4a9363ef9453a566df958a20c, is there any wrong? ETH address appeared in the list, can i do anything else?

the demo video is using MetaMask, is there a video use mew? thanks.

Currently no, but we will create one. When you add your ETH account to the migrate web page, do you see balance different than 0? Your first issue was that?


thanks, When I add my ETH account to the migrate web page, I can’t see the balanace.

Hello, i cant see my tokens in my airgap
ak_etwiHqMP3GHwDH2fetzoUZvSchKeUWxjNdpFcpB3wFaUih1jx - my airgap wallet

0xA7B4c62B1D955E7969f7c92B8f0C46DB01403dcf- my mew wallet
cae9ca510000000000000000000000008a3b7094e1d80c8366b4687cb85862311c931c5200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002b5e3af16b188000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034616b5f6574776948714d50334748774448326665747a6f555a765363684b655557786a4e64704663704233774661556968316a78000000000000000000000000 my transaction data

Please tell me what’s the problem with my airgap!

Hey @kataky

@martingrigorov.chain or @hristiyanAE.chain will be here to help you as soon as possible.

@andreas may probably also help :wink:


Have you followed the whole migration and synced your airgap wallet / vault?


  1. Do i still have chance to migrate?

  2. Trying to follow steps - installed iPhone App, created secret but after going to create Aethernity wallet. everything stops on this screen. It appears and there are no buttons to go anywhere, only restart app.

Hey @alexl, did you follow the steps described in the video at the beginning of this thread?

What iPhone app have you installed?

Hey @kataky do you have the transaction hash? WHen you open the migration site again does it show you that you have migrated successfully?


It seems that your issue is with the airgap wallet not the migration itself. Probably @andreas can help a bit here.

On the second one, yes you have changes to migrate, if your tokens were locked in the ERC20 ETH contract.


Yo! I didn’t know bout synchronization, i had just airgap vault, then i sync it with my airgap wallet and now can see my tokens, but why you told me nothing bout da sync in the migration tutorial?

It was AirGap Vault. But now i used base wallet app and did everything as its said in tutorial and migration is done. Thank you!


Everything is well now, thank you



Установил все эти аиргапы даже дошел до того что появились адреса для миграции. НА эфир адрес перевел немного эфира, чтобы убедиться , что кошелек показывает баланс , прошло уже несколько дней баланса нет, хотя в энтерскане на компьютере все на месте. и на этот же адрес пробовал перевести АЭ (Ерс 20) которые у меня на кошельке. С майзервалет они уже не переводятся, сколько бы газа не ставил, с переводом токенов по эфир кошельку у меня нет проблем, я знаю как это делается. 191

Hey @cerg77777,

I have checked and I don’t seem to find the given ETH address to the ones that have tokens for migration. Are you sure that you are using the right ETH address? When you open the token migration webpage to do you see that you have tokens for migration?


Я дал. адреса, которые указаны в смартфоне, на эфир адресе смартфона лежит немного эфира, АЕ конечно там нет. А вот где лежит Ае 0xcaeb48fd6741bd9c10872af91d3710ec8ee45a1a

Tried both via Metamask and via MEW, got with both “The transaction has been reverted!” error.

Seems another user here @Rok had a similar issue.

Any idea how to solve this?

@martingrigorov.chain can you help here?