Vote Now: Shape æternity's Future with Ceres - Hard Fork

:loudspeaker: Attention æternity Community - Your Vote is Needed

Currently, the community has the opportunity to vote on the Ceres protocol update, shaping the future of the platform.

What changes does the Ceres upgrade bring?

:white_circle: Micro-block gas limit calculation

:white_circle: Contracts called by name

:white_circle: Generalized Accounts

:white_circle: AENS enhancements

:white_circle: FATE improvements

:white_circle: Introduction of AENSv2

Casting a “Yes” vote supports the implementation of the proposed advancements, aiming to enhance æternity’s efficiency, usability, and overall ecosystem health.

A “No” vote, on the other hand, expresses the decision to retain the existing protocol.

Learn more about the specifics of these changes by following the link to the æternity forum :point_down:

:link: Read More About Ceres Update

In order to vote, access the link below with your æternity wallet :point_down:

:link: Cast Your Vote Here

The voting ends on the 17th of April at 5 pm CET.

Ensure your vote counts and contribute to the ecosystem’s most significant decision in recent years.


:rotating_light: Important Announcement

The decision on the Ceres upgrade is in your hands, and there’s still time to have your say.

You can cast your vote using the official poll #110.

Official poll link :point_down:
:link: Home - Governance Aepp

:warning: WARNING: Please ignore any other polls you see about the Ceres upgrade. Only poll #110 counts toward the final decision. Make sure your voice is heard where it matters.

1 Like

I would like to vote and I say a big Yes thank you nat
