Waellet 0.5.1 released

The waellet 0.5.1 was just released.

It includes lots of bugfixes which were reported by various users and app developers.


  • aex2 support (aepp<>wallet rpc communication)
  • sdk 7.2.0
  • .chain names enhancements
  • sdk/mdw decoupled init of services
  • amount formatter
  • bugfixes

The Aepp object injection will be deprecated soon, to keep consistency between aepps and different wallets (base, waellet etc.). Please take your time to test out the new AEX2 RPC connection and provide feedback/bug reports.


My bad, thought waellet is a mistake. But it’s a faeture :slight_smile:


@bruteforce.chain The link to github in the waellet.com page is broken. Updated link should be this GitHub - waellet/waellet: Waellet brings Aeternity blockchain to your browser.

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