When reconnecting a channel, automatically disconnects


I’m trying unsuccessfully to reconnect a state-channel. Both parties coordinates on beforehand which connection settings will they use. After first run, we save state leave return and channel id…

When trying to restablish connection right after creating the channel it CONNECT and inmediately DISCONNECT.

Parameters are:

{ responderId: ‘ak_2TccoDkdWZ28yBYZ7QsdqBMAH5DjsVnMnZHBRyUnxPD5z1whYb’,
pushAmount: 0,
responderAmount: 1,
channelReserve: 1,
host: ‘localhost’,
port: 3001,
lockPeriod: 1,
initiatorAmount: ‘1000000000000000’,
url: ‘ws://’,
initiatorId: ‘ak_9k9FzYxNbwrXYLVB8EDjhjspZbKzG9zWDTydqHVkDRR8To5Hs’,
role: ‘initiator’,
existingChannelId: ‘ch_hakq1fkYeKC9kZtWDiFw625K1xWTHPALp7XLWtP3Fo5iWU6yR’}


And node errors are here:

Thanks for any clue!

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What version of the node are you currently using? We found this bug before and fixed it in 4.2.0.

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It must be that. I’ll update to those versions (4.2.1 too), thanks!

Hi @dave,

Our intention is to move towards using reconnect protocol/channels_api_usage.md at master · aeternity/protocol · GitHub
It’s tricker to use but it should give you a solid experience. We do have known bugs which we are actively working on. With the intention of closing them shortly.