why is the payment not being made

всем привет!у меня такой вопрос-решил попробовать помайнить монету,на https://uupool.cn/ae -10 монет(порог выплаты 0,1),на https://www.f2pool.com/ae/ -15 монет(порог выплаты 10),депозит взял на https://www.tokok.com,монеты числятся на балансе пулов,но выплата не происходит,ПОЧЕМУ???

Hello everyone! I have such a question, I decided to try to remember the coin, at https://uupool.cn/ae -10 coins (payout threshold of 0.1), at https://www.f2pool.com/ae/ -15 coins (payment threshold 10), I took the deposit at https: //www.tokok.com, coins are on the balance of pools, but the payment does not occur, WHY ???

Nobody answers in Discord, no public documentation.

@F2Pool can you please explain payout procedure for f2pool ?