[Active] Superhero Trading Cards | Grant Proposal

Thank you for trying it on the testnet, Let @Techtek or Me know if you found bugs with the presale front-end, etc as it is improving heavily for now for the upcoming official Mainnet launch.


Thank you for your kind message and for your help with testing, and making a test reservation.

:blue_book: :dragon: :mouse: :mage:


The Reservation Website Received More Updates On Testnet.

- issue loading stops when waiting in superhro popup.
- style front-end.
- let cards appear at better positions at start instead of pure random in all axis.
- add a background curtain behind cards and in front of the background video.
- make interactable only when connected by user.
- Efficient on multiple contract calls :- Now uses one call to get all required data...
- New Progress bar.
- Added booster pack image.
- re-render values if user reserves successfully, & show "visit to explorer" button upon successful tx.
- Wrong network alert on connecting wallet.

Link:- super hero front end


The presale website for this project is nearly ready for the Mainnet super hero front end , Report any issue to me or send it directly to @Techtek

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I’m also wanna see what happen the next , maybe this will be the best superhero card sell


Added Top 50 & Latest 50 & Information Dialogue to the website, also minor updates regarding design.


@VitalJeevanjot Do you mind explaining the functionality of this screen?

Sure @erik.chain ,
So this tab based window opened from Information navigation bar button contains 3 tabs.

1st, Top 50 Displays: The sorting of top 50 users who bought the packs with number of packs they bought (Like Leaderboard of a game, users sorting in descending order with max score at top). Clicking on address will redirect you to the explorer for address details.

2nd, Latest 50 Displays: Recent 50 users who bought the pack with on what date. Here clicking on address will forward you to the transaction on the explorer.

3rd Info Displays: Extra information regarding the project.

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Would be amazing if we could later on see here the NFTs they got as well :slight_smile:

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Yes It is good if this thing is implemented in a place where each minted NFT is different but currently everyone will get the same pack from here.

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Update! A new contract is published with required changes. The community now have more time to test and have fun.


@VitalJeevanjot the NFT standard definition recently changed slightly. please make sure you follow it if possible.

Standard definition

Example implementation

Also we’re currently discussing the example implementation here:

Note: The discussion is about “SwappableNFT” implementation but it also applies to the other examples and is not limited to SwappableNFT.


Where can we try it out?

WeTrue as the most popular Aepp in the community, if we can cooperate, it is so good.


Thanks for mentioning, I will keep my work updated.

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Dear @Techtek and @VitalJeevanjot,
please report on the status of this application.

Hi Lydia,

Jeevanjot is not with the project anymore.

Project Status:

Cards are now on IPFS and JSON files for each card are ready to be tested on Testnet,
once the NFT standard is finalized, and that is now mostly ready, the cards will be minted and tested on Testnet, and Mainnet will follow after that. Pack opening needs to be redone and is looked over again.


@Techtek did you also pin the json files to IPFS? (this is what the current approach proposes :wink: )

having a quick look I could only observe the media files on IPFS


Thanks @marco.chain The JSON files are now pinned.

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Please send me a PM and maybe we can leave off where Jeeanjot and i were. :slight_smile:

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