Aeternity integration into Chainspect blockchain analytics platform

Application Status

Status: New
Last updated: 28.02.2024
Submited by Elijah Andreev, [email protected]
Team: Chainspect
Approved Budget (in h): 20-25hrs
Used Budget (in h): 20-25hrs
Planned Delivery: In 2 weeks after grant approval


Research and Education

Application Title

aeternity integration into Chainspect blockchain analytics platform


Value Application

There are quite a few benefits:

  1. aeternity’s metrics will be listed among other L1 and L2 chains, providing your existing users with better insights in terms of how your network is doing.
  2. The userbase of Chainspect (8k MAU) will learn more about your network and will consider it for investing in your token or building on your blockchain. A few words about Chainspect users: due to the technical nature of the analytics platform, primarily Chainspect is being used by crypto investors and dApp builders, who care about fundamental blockchain analysis. These are more qualitative users compared to average blockchain users.
  3. Chainspect launched just 6 months ago, but already has a significant community of crypto professionals organically, meaning that the platform will continue to get more users as time goes by.

Definition of Terms

Chainspect stands as a dedicated blockchain analytics platform, emphasizing technical metrics. As the leading TPS Tracker on the market, we aim to evolve into the foremost platform for fundamental blockchain analysis. Currently, we serve over 8k crypto investors and dApp developers monthly. You can think of it as CoinMarketCap, but instead focused on fundamental analysis and not price talks.

Required Work

  1. Deep dive into transaction structure on aeternity. This includes the research required to understand the details of transactions on aeternity and how they differ from transactions on other chains. We aim to include only user-initiated transactions and exclude system ones, to enable fair comparison of different networks (e.g. for Solana we exclude “voting” transactions related to their custom consensus mechanism).

  2. Integration of aeternity metrics into Chainspect (ETL, front-end, back-end works)

  3. Co-marketing of the aeternity integration (joint announcement on Twitter/Discord)


Normally, the integration takes around 20-25 hours to complete.


Once integration is done we can do a joint announcement to let our communities know about the integration.

Additionally, in the future, your network will receive continuous updates featuring the latest metrics integrated into Chainspect. In the coming weeks, we are set to introduce the Nakamoto Coefficient and Max Theoretical TPS.


Hey @Chainspect

Got your grant application and we’re on it! Super intrigued by what you’re planning with æternity. We’ll review everything and get back to you with our thoughts soon.

Thanks for bringing this our way. Excited to see where this goes!

Catch you soon :wink: :wink:

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Hi aeternity team!

Glad to hear that!

If more info is needed please feel free to ask questions :slight_smile:


Dear @Chainspect ,

Great news! Your grant application for integrating aeternity into the Chainspect platform has been approved. Get ready to dive in :wink: Expect further details by email soon.

Cheers to innovation and growth!

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This is amazing news!
We will go through the email and reply shortly

Super excited to add Aeternity to Chainspect :rocket:

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@Chainspect is there a faster and more efficient way to reach you? I’ve tried emailing you at [email protected] & messaging you on Telegram @chainspect_app, but I haven’t received a response yet.

Somewhere I saw this: Aeternity [TPS, Max TPS, Block Time & TTF] | Chainspect

I am slightly curious how you get the Max Theoretical TPS and TFF - both numbers are… quite wrong.

Also it would perhaps be good to explain that “Block Time” refer to key-block time (i.e. generation length) and not micro-block time.

Finally, when you compute “Max Recorded TPS” you do that over a fixed number of blocks, right? Wouldn’t it be better to do that over a fixed amount of time (or at least a number of blocks that would roughly match in time)?

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To elaborate a bit, since especially the TFF number is a bit hidden, and also subject to a recent update in the Aeternity Node v7.1.0.

We are currently working on lowering the time to finality, and with the recent update the default maximum fork length accepted is lowered to 20 key-blocks (sometimes refered to as generations). With an average key-block interval of 180 seconds (3 minutes) that is about 1h. But, there is ongoing work aiming to lower it further.

As for maximal (theoretical) throughput, MaxTPS, there must have been some misunderstanding, each micro-block contains 6000000 gas, the smallest transaction is ~16550 gas and micro-blocks arrive no closer than 3 seconds apart. This gives MaxTPS = 6000000 / 16650 / 3 = 120.1 so 120 would be the most you could ever hope for with the current parameters.



Apologies for the late reply—it’s an extremely busy time for us!

Both Max Theoretical TPS and TTF were calculated through close collaboration between the AE and Chainspect teams.

Max Theoretical TPS Calculation:

  • Maximum number of microblocks in one key block achieved to date: 669
  • Gas limit: 6,000,000
  • Minimum transaction size: 16,640
  • Average block time: 181 seconds

Calculation: (669 * 6,000,000) / (16,640 * 181) = 1333 tx/s

TTF Calculation: TTF is based on 4 blocks, as provided by the AE team, considering that Aeternity has probabilistic finality similar to Bitcoin.

Your point on TTF makes sense and we will update it accordingly.
As for Max Theoretical TPS we are a bit puzzled on why case with 669 microblocks was possible (block 796294), because based on your calculation the max number of microblocks in a single key block is ±60?

That’s true, thanks for the feedback!

The main reason we consider several blocks instead of just one is to smooth out transaction spikes, which are often present in blockchains. This issue is particularly visible in POW blockchains (e.g. we’ve seen 2-second BTC blocks leading to 1000+ TPS). We opted to average over multiple blocks because it’s easier for our users to understand and verify. Averaging Max Recorded TPS over time would be much harder for users to verify, and we aim to promote a “don’t trust, verify” approach.

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I think this is where you get it wrong… The longest generation (with 669 micro-blocks) was not 181 seconds long. There is always (at least) 3 seconds between micro-blocks, so you can never get more than: 6000000 / 16650 / 3 = 120.1 Tps

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