The community voting on (poll #98) has passed the finish line and we have a winner!! An astonishing 70% of our fellow community members voted for the name “Æ United” to be the new name of our contribution program
Here are the exact voting results which you can of course always verify on the æternity blockchain as well:
Total stake: 286,254 AE
Æ United: 70.14%
(200,776 AE from 10 votes and 6 delegators) -
BITL – Bring ideas to Life: 22.64%
(64,813 AE from 3 votes and 0 delegators) -
Ærmy: 5.73%
(16,393 AE from 5 votes and 7 delegators) -
Guærdians: 0.71%
(2022.13 AE from 1 vote and 0 delegators) -
The Tæsk Force: 0.41%
(1176 AE from 3 votes and 0 delegators)
You will soon see the final logo of the new program and will be able to ask all your questions about Æ United at our public Kick-Off Meeting! Stay tuned for more