Choose your name! – Let's find a name for the new Community Contributor Program 👤

The community voting on (poll #98) has passed the finish line and we have a winner!! An astonishing 70% of our fellow community members voted for the name “Æ United” to be the new name of our contribution program :partying_face: :champagne: :man_astronaut: :rainbow:

Here are the exact voting results which you can of course always verify on the æternity blockchain as well:

Total stake: 286,254 AE

  1. Æ United: 70.14%
    (200,776 AE from 10 votes and 6 delegators)
  2. BITL – Bring ideas to Life: 22.64%
    (64,813 AE from 3 votes and 0 delegators)
  3. Ærmy: 5.73%
    (16,393 AE from 5 votes and 7 delegators)
  4. Guærdians: 0.71%
    (2022.13 AE from 1 vote and 0 delegators)
  5. The Tæsk Force: 0.41%
    (1176 AE from 3 votes and 0 delegators)

You will soon see the final logo of the new program and will be able to ask all your questions about Æ United at our public Kick-Off Meeting! Stay tuned for more :crystal_ball: :star: :balloon: