I’m trying to deploy the aeternity fungible token standard (AEX-9) at this link but I’m getting a 400 error when calling the init function with the following params:
name : FunToken
decimals : 4
symbol : FUNT
initial owner balance : 1000
Following is the error:
error : { "message": "Request failed with status code 400", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: Request failed with status code 400\n at createError (http://fireeditor.nikitafuchs.de/main-es2015.694cdd83d5c364394d9f.js:128217:15)\n at settle (http://fireeditor.nikitafuchs.de/main-es2015.694cdd83d5c364394d9f.js:128478:12)\n at XMLHttpRequest.handleLoad [as __zone_symbol__ON_PROPERTYreadystatechange] (http://fireeditor.nikitafuchs.de/main-es2015.694cdd83d5c364394d9f.js:127686:7)\n at XMLHttpRequest.wrapFn (http://fireeditor.nikitafuchs.de/polyfills-es2015.621055b49c1ec71d1568.js:3339:43)\n at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (http://fireeditor.nikitafuchs.de/polyfills-es2015.621055b49c1ec71d1568.js:2520:35)\n at Zone.runTask (http://fireeditor.nikitafuchs.de/polyfills-es2015.621055b49c1ec71d1568.js:2288:51)\n at ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (http://fireeditor.nikitafuchs.de/polyfills-es2015.621055b49c1ec71d1568.js:2601:38)\n at invokeTask (http://fireeditor.nikitafuchs.de/polyfills-es2015.621055b49c1ec71d1568.js:3742:18)\n at XMLHttpRequest.globalZoneAwareCallback (http://fireeditor.nikitafuchs.de/polyfills-es2015.621055b49c1ec71d1568.js:3768:21)", "config": { "url": "https://latest.compiler.aepps.com/encode-calldata", "method": "post", "data": "{\"source\":\"@compiler >= 4\\n\\ninclude \\\"Option.aes\\\"\\n\\n\\ncontract FungibleToken =\\n\\n \\n record state =\\n { owner : address \\n , total_supply : int \\n , balances : balances \\n , meta_info : meta_info } \\n\\n \\n record meta_info =\\n { name : string\\n , symbol : string\\n , decimals : int }\\n\\n \\n type balances = map(address, int)\\n\\n \\n \\n datatype event = Transfer(address, address, int)\\n\\n \\n entrypoint aex9_extensions() : list(string) = []\\n\\n \\n \\n \\n entrypoint init(name: string, decimals : int, symbol : string, initial_owner_balance : option(int)) =\\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n let initial_supply = Option.default(0, initial_owner_balance)\\n \\n\\n let owner = Call.caller\\n { owner = owner,\\n total_supply = initial_supply,\\n balances = Option.match({}, (balance) => { [owner] = balance }, initial_owner_balance),\\n meta_info = { name = name, symbol = symbol, decimals = decimals } }\\n\\n \\n entrypoint meta_info() : meta_info =\\n state.meta_info\\n\\n \\n entrypoint total_supply() : int =\\n state.total_supply\\n\\n \\n entrypoint owner() : address =\\n state.owner\\n\\n \\n entrypoint balances() : balances =\\n state.balances\\n\\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n entrypoint balance(account: address) : option(int) =\\n Map.lookup(account, state.balances)\\n\\n \\n stateful entrypoint transfer(to_account: address, value: int) =\\n internal_transfer(Call.caller, to_account, value)\\n\\n \\n\\n function require_owner() =\\n require(Call.caller == state.owner, \\\"ONLY_OWNER_CALL_ALLOWED\\\")\\n\\n function require_non_negative_value(value : int) =\\n require(value >= 0, \\\"NON_NEGATIVE_VALUE_REQUIRED\\\")\\n\\n function require_balance(account : address, value : int) =\\n switch(balance(account))\\n Some(balance) =>\\n require(balance >= value, \\\"ACCOUNT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE\\\")\\n None => abort(\\\"BALANCE_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXISTENT\\\")\\n\\n stateful function internal_transfer(from_account: address, to_account: address, value: int) =\\n require_non_negative_value(value)\\n require_balance(from_account, value)\\n put(state{ balances[from_account] @ b = b - value })\\n put(state{ balances[to_account = 0] @ b = b + value })\\n Chain.event(Transfer(from_account, to_account, value))\\n\",\"function\":\"init\",\"arguments\":[\"\\\"undefined\\\"\",\"undefined\",\"\\\"undefined\\\"\",\"None\"],\"options\":{\"backend\":\"fate\",\"file_system\":{}}}", "headers": { "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "transformRequest": [ null ], "transformResponse": [ null ], "timeout": 0, "xsrfCookieName": "XSRF-TOKEN", "xsrfHeaderName": "X-XSRF-TOKEN", "maxContentLength": -1, "waitMined": true, "denomination": "aettos", "clientTtl": 84600, "nameTtl": 50000, "nameFee": 0, "deposit": 0, "gasPrice": 1000000000, "amount": 0, "gas": 1579000, "options": "", "dryRunAccount": { "pub": "ak_11111111111111111111111111111111273Yts", "amount": "100000000000000000000000000000000000" }, "queryFee": 30000, "oracleTtl": { "type": "delta", "value": 500 }, "queryTtl": { "type": "delta", "value": 10 }, "responseTtl": { "type": "delta", "value": 10 }, "skipArgsConvert": false, "skipTransformDecoded": false, "callStatic": false, "top": null, "verify": false, "filesystem": {}, "interval": 500, "blocks": 3, "allowUnsynced": true } }