Hello my name is Techtek

Hi i’m Techtek and wanted to introduce myself to the community.

I’m here wanting to help where i can with aeternity and Superhero development related things, i have a bachelor’s degree in Communication Multimedia & Design and experience with blockchain and consumer electronical products, and project development, and like to explore everything technology related and to pioneer with it.

Recent projects:

Blinkit for Windows, ESP32 (IoT) and ESP8266 (IoT)

With Blinkit user can get notifications about blockchain related actions and be notified with sound and light, it makes use of inexpensive and widely available devices, and gives them a (new) crypto purpose.

Blinkit is open source and free to use.

Blinkit website

Versions on github:

Blinkit for AEternity

Blinkit for Solana

Blinkit for Bitcoin Cash

Blinkit for Harmony

Blinkit for Hive

Blinkit for Steem

The Steemeum project was a mobile “virtual miner” app that rewarded it’s users based on an proof of time concept and at it’s peak had around 150 daily users with thousands of Steem coins being transferred to it’s users in the projects lifespan of around one year.

Steemeum website

Besides making 2d artwork I started exploring 3d printing and design in 2014 and have shared a lot of my models on Thingiverse.

The most popular 3d models are:

Godzilla Diorama-Kit (made in 2016 - 600 likes)

Machine gun Mickey (2016 - 565 likes)

Godzilla Metropolis - Diorama (2016 - 554 likes)

Gally - Battle Angel Alita (2019 - 552 likes)

The Ark of the Covenant - Diorama-Kit (2016 - 454 likes)

Label Slider NES (2017 - 411 likes)

Laser beam project (2017 - 127 likes)

i like to combine the physical world with the digital world and the other way around, and 3d scanned a 4000 years old wooden artifact in a museum in 2012 and 3d printed it, and recently was able to make it into a two part mold and pore the mold with around 700+ degree molten aluminium in it to create a very precise and much longer-lasting replica. After several hours of polishing it is now very shiny, and have added a marble stand to it.

If you like to know more about the projects, you can just let me know here on the forum or on Discord.

Let’s build cool things together!


Hi @Techtek and welcome!


Hi thank you for your reply and like on the project.

1 Like

Welcome to the forum @Techtek! :blush:
He has been already with us for quite some time on Discord and participated in our two last online hackathons as well btw, you can find his latest winning project here: :smiley: Blinkit | Devpost


Thank you @erik.chain