Liu Yang from AEKnow

Dear all,

I am Liu Yang, the creator of and AEKnow.chain.

I am doing data management in manufacturing industry in Guangdong, China, and experienced building websites and communities for mechanical and electrical engineers.

In my spare time, I enjoy thinking and writing in ScienceNet, a big Chinese scientist community ScienceNet ( . My certificated blog at ScienceNet is: 科学网—刘洋的博客 - 刘洋

In 2016, I was attracted by blockchain, and followed æternity. With the comprehending of æternity’s philosophy and technology, I became æternity’s fans.

Now, devloping and aeknow.chain becomes my hobby :slight_smile:

:sunglasses: My SuperHero ID :sunglasses: : ak_ZdB1tZuxmK1ET1uaMWSDw3Dos7aYDUy1bijsYAdpQCA5EuVaa


Nice to see you here! :grin:
Looking forward to your following products! :grin:


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It’s a brief introduction.

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