I want migrate my ae erc20 token to ae mainnet follow the guide video https://forum.aeternity.com/t/video-how-to-access-your-non-transferable-erc-20-ae-token-on-aeternity-mainnet-lima/5166,but it’s not work in the last step,please help me,thank all of you.
My ETH address: 0xDD732EEfFf97CeeFB39345be3e1BFE72f91867f2
My AE address: ak_2nRazBBd3rRYtaJa9Sn22STsuoTVYjjjLx4bFj6NMBb9ME8HMg
@martingrigorov.chain can help here.
The tokens from 0xDD732EEfFf97CeeFB39345be3e1BFE72f91867f2
were successfully migrated in transaction th_cokJbeNRtPgJjF3FziPH2w8QALZMRsgu3D5A28zTfvC2CbkcX - the tokens were migrated to ak_2nRazBBd3rRYtaJa9Sn22STsuoTVYjjjLx4bFj6NMBb9ME8HMg
So I think this is a solved issue.