Public Developer Hangout [call with the æternity's devs]

Hi @pascuin, here it is Dropbox - ae-dev-hangout on 2019-02-13 11:18.mp4 - Simplify your life :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great, thanks. Keep in mind that these calls are also a good way of communicating the current progress to the broader community. It would probably be a good approach to host these sessions on a more accessible platform like Youtube.

Hey @pascuin, we are trying to make those sessions as accessible as possible but at the same time we aim at choosing a more secure platform.

For now, the second Public Developer Hangout is happening on the same platform and we will analyze afterwards whether we should change it :slight_smile:


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Hello everyone,

Don’t forget that the second Public Developer Hangout is taking place tomorrow - February 20th!

This time it will be in the afternoon - 5.30 PM CET!

Same place - find the link to the call here.

Talk to you tomorrow :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I understand, but the platform where the call is held and where the recording is being uploaded too are two different shoes. The recording should be as accessible as possible as well as communicated through all the channels.

We will do that, but the first call was more or less a test one and there were not so many questions.
So, from the second one on we plan on sharing the recording around as well :slight_smile:

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Hello everyone,

Here is the agenda for today’s Public Developer Hangout:

  • state channels update
  • core team development update
  • SDK team development update

Please ask your questions on these topics or any others related to development here in this thread.

And tune in at 5:30 PM CET here: Jitsi Meet

Talk to you later :slight_smile:


Questions for the Aepp-Developer:
I follow Aeternity from a user perspective and I cannot wait to have aepps to play with and get my friends involved. So what is the state of the aepp development? I am also very interested in the messenger app (listed on base aepp). But as I understand the messenger is currently not a priority. :frowning: But I think it would be really helpful to bring people to Aeternity by having a cool messenger app to chat, where I can also send AE easily e.g. with usernames. (Something like , but of course cooler :wink: )What other enduser apps can I expect within the next 3 month? What is the status of the proof of existence aepp, and when will I be able to use this (easily)?
Are there any “fun” aepps in the pipeline? Like little games. Something like CryptoKitties or Cryptofighters. Just to show how fast Aeternity is and to easily get non-IT people involved. Thank you very much! Chris

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I really love that you use Jitsi and not Google Hangouts (for privacy reasons)! :clap:


Maybe you could also consider publishing the video and Aeternity News on

And another question for the developer:
Privacy: As I understand the philosophy of Aeternity was, that if somebody would need private transactions, he can go off-chain and use state channels. Tezos blockchain announced that they will add the zk-SNARKs protocol (of ZCash) for private on-chain transactions.
Has Aeternity discussed measures for on-chain privacy? And what is your opinion on zk-SNARKs (in regards to Aeternity)?

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your questions are answered during the call! we will share the recording later. have a look :slight_smile:
For next time, join us and have a chance to talk with our devs directly!

is it possible to execute smart contract function automatically ? e.g. executing smart contract when reaching some block height without interaction from outside world.

your question is being answered right now! :slight_smile: why don’t you join the call? Jitsi Meet / if not, we will share the video later. and please join next time :wink:

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Best practice on AE to generate cryptographically secure random number generator ?

Hello everyone!

We will be adding all hangout recordings in this YouTube playlist:

Both currently available recordings have been added.



I’ve missed this meeting again… Such a pitty :weary:

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@Ayyslana1 It’s a pity really :frowning:
At least you can watch the recording now and try to join next time.
In the meantime, is there anything in particular you wanted to ask our devs?

Hey everyone :slight_smile:

The next Public Developer Hangout will happen this coming Wednesday - March 6th, 11:30 AM CET, same room: Jitsi Meet

Save the date and ask in advance all your questions here :slight_smile:

We are looking forward to talking with you!

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I would like to know about the plans to introduce a native standard token which then can be used for deposits and withdraws to/from state channels. is that on the roadmap and if yes, what’s the priority for it?

comment about standardized tokens generally:

  • I would also like to see the possibility to transfer multiple tokens within one transaction

I find Googles really useful to check vailidity of transactions and already mentioned in our Java SDK thread that you should consider providing an API for that. In my opinion - if not too expensive - it would be really useful to have that validity check provided through the core API (maybe only in debug mode) because the network_id can always differ and Googles can actually only be used to check the validity of mainnet transactions.

Of course it could be cloned and adapted to point to the local network. But what’s your opinion about that?