The æternity ERC-20 AE token will become non-transferable on September 2, 2019

lack of support from Ae team

Hey @hasdrubal, you need to have some ETH for gas fees in order to execute the transaction. As you can see you only need $0.37 of ETH. You need to buy some small amount of ETH and try again.

Let us know how it goes.


This is correct. If it is a normal account, you will not loose your tokens though. There will be still a way to migrate.

My twitter account only represents my personal opinion and i have lived in HK for many years and good friends there (and in Mainland China) but i will add this to my twitter account to be clear.

I have more than 0.37 USD in ETH wallet i lost more than 4 Tx fee to do it

As promised, here comes the solution for the token migration, it will be online in 2-3 days, you can already check out the process here:


What’s the longest that I may need to wait? I’ve waited 15 minutes a few times. I keep retrying

Hey @RyanMac4, @martingrigorov.chain or @hristiyanAE.chain will be here to help you as soon as possible :wink:

Thank you for your patience!

Yes, 10-15min should be the longest you need to wait.

Do you see an error or something?

Hi Emin,

i just treid to do the migration using your youtube tutorial. After signing the message in MEW and coying the signed message, I always received an error message that something did not work out but my tokens remain unaffected. But when I try to start the migration process again, I get the following message:

“The balance has already been migrated in the th_26…”

Waht does that mean?

Thanks for your help!

Best regards


Hey @Der_E,
Please send us your ETH and AE addresses so we can check.

Thank you,

Hi Albena,

thanks for your reply. Private Message or public?

Best regards,


However you want @Der_E, send them to me privately.

It will actually mean that you have made the migration successfully. Please check your ak_*** wallet balance and you should be able to see the migrated balance.


Hello my $ae erc20 are blocked on my trust wallet. How to please unlock them?

Hello, AE token cannot be transferred to the main network, could you please tell me the reason?

Hi Martin,

how can I get access to my AE after the migration? Still with the ledger Nano S?

Best regards

Nevermind. I checked it out

Pinging here. I went through the process and it keeps giving me an error. I am using metamask and transferring 2000 AE fro ETH ERC 20 wallet to the airgap wault.