My friend, LiuShao(ak_2g2yq6RniwW1cjKRu4HdVVQXa5GQZkBaXiaVogQXnRxUKpmhS) from Chinese community is experimentally using AE miner’s heat to incubate chicken, and it seems to be successful!
2019-01-22 Day 1, two AE miners and incubating box
2019-01-22 Day 1,eggs
2019-01-22 Day 1,inside the box
2019-01-22 Day 1,temperature humity readings
2019-01-28 day 6, vessels can be watched
2019-02-09, day 19
2019-02-11 first born
2019-02-11 Second born
AE chicken out of box!
Nice! Doing good things with Blockchain technology!
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Hey @LiuYang.chain can you build an aepp that feeds the chicken every time we send ae-tokens to the feeding machine? Inclusive livestream please
That’s very cool!!!
The software and hardware are not difficult, maybe a raspberry as the controller and stream server is enough.
I’ll tell the chicken’s master about this idea~he is far from me.
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I pay for the hardware purchase! Send me a list!
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Thanks very much~that’s a good news!
I am communicating Mr Liu, who is the owner of the chickens.
Any reply, I’ll let you know~
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The success rate of incubating is not high, only about 40%, and the normal is ~85%.
He will improve the way of heat using and try again.
He is very interested in the idea you mentioned too, but for now, no spare time for him to go further.
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What a great idea of combining two useful technologies! Hope further you will find the best solution for incubating and achieve success. Good luck!
Oh my gosh, that’s insane, you guys are amazing
No worries! Good luck i’ll follow this threat.
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This is a great idea. I like it:)