Token Migration Phase 0 - Support and FAQ

I have a problem understanding about conception of 3 seperated phase(or hard fork).
What is the difference between migrating before the phase1(or 2) ends and migrating after the phase1(or 2) ends?
If I migrate after phase1(or 2) ends, then does that means my token have missed the hardfork1(or both 1, 2) and be lagged behind(or defective) than one with the migrated ealier?
If I just migrate before Phase3 ends, then can I get all the hardfork(or functional upgrade) I’ve missed before like updating old PC’s O.S.?
Why do I have to migrate before phases end(except phase 0 and 3)?
Sorry for poor English because it’s not my primary language.

Hey Sammy. I have a reply for you. The devs don’t expect change in the key pair generation once 1.0 is launched. Such change will affect the whole migration process. However, the problem with your method is primarily that if you lose your private key, there is no way to recover it, unlike in the case of using the aepps team tools where you have a passphrase. Also, in case something changes, the aepps process should have backwards compatibility, while the node key pair generation will not. I hope that clears things a bit. If not let me know.

Only trouble I had was buy more ETH to send transaction to contract.

Also you can read deleted posts…I failed to read the FAQ like a moron because it answered my redacted post.


一. When will the naming system function?
二.I registered an account at, Then I added a new payment address after logging in. But after logging out of the wallet and logging back in, why is the new address missing? Does it mean that a wallet cannot manage multiple addresses?

Okay, thanks. Very frustrating though, imo must have used bip39 everywhere including epoch.


When will the Ledger app be available?

The “ball” is in the hands of the Ledger team now. We have submitted the required code and information to them a while ago.


I’m also curious about this.

OK, I think I did the migration incorrectly. If I just used MEW and sent the tokens to the contract address, did I mess it up? My tokens are gone and after the fact I realized I did not use the generated contract data on the migration page.

I have completed the token transfer, but haven’t you got it in your wallet?

I am currently trying to find a reply to your question. When you use the tool to check if your æternity account has balance, what do you get?

Is this a question to us? You can check if your æternity account has balance using this tool.

No, no balance listed. Here is a link to the transaction:

Help! I don’t want to lose my AE.

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We need to evaluate, but what you have done is not good. Especially having in mind this:

Will let you know once I have info from the team.

I know. And my apologies for being a dumbass and not reading the instructions clearly. I realized after the fact that there was no way for the contract to know my AE wallet address (unless it was a unique contract address). Thank you for looking into it. Do you need my AE wallet address?

Yes, both - ETH address and AE account - you can send them via DM.

Hi! My AE tokens are stored on Binance account now. In your FAQ you assert that if I forget to migrate “You will still be able to migrate your AE tokens as long as you don’t use a smart contract to manage them”.

Unfortunately, I’m not a tech geek to use two smartphones, buy some ETH etc. to complete Phase 0 - I’m just an ordinary hodler.

What will happen to my AE tokens (stored on Binance) if I do nothing and ignore Phase 0? Could you put it in simple words please? Thank you!

What you are referring to is the phase after the final migration phase (Phase 3). The ETH smart contract that manages AE tokens currently will expire after the end of Phase 3 and AE tokens will become “unmovable”. This will change the migration process, making it more difficult to migrate. However, that is almost 10 months from now. In this period Binance might start supporting AE token migration for its users. This is not certain though.

Soo, if Binance has not started to support AE migration by September 2, 2019, you will need to do the migration manually - following the steps mentioned in the migration web page. If you do that, your AE tokens will be included in one of the scheduled hard forks (each Phase ends with a scheduled hard fork). If the hard fork is approved by the community of miners and users, your tokens will be transferred to the Mainnet and will become available on an aeternity account (wallet address).

It seems AE have only dev team, no maketing team.
Few people know the migration and when phase 0 ends. And why not push most of the token holder migrate in phase 0. Several phases will make migration complex, and infomation hard to be known by more people.

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While I understand where you are coming from, I can assure you AEternity updates are timely but you do need to know where to look for them ( as in you won’t get an email reminding you to to migrate your tokens).

There is a clear schedule about what each phase entitles, I don’t remember seeing exact dates, but that is understandable since epoch launch was delayed to ensure quality and features.

As far as I can see this migrations (hard forks) would happen even if there are no tokens to migrate, only because of the fact that hard forking is the only way to introduce new features to the network. Since those features are planned, it makes sense to have token migration at that time. As the team said, you have the risk of the network refusing the update, if this happens your tokens won’t be migrated and it will be an issue.

I am not associated with AE team, but I hope I helped clarify your questions a little bit.

EDIT: The schedule is in the blogpost

  • End of Phase 0 (pre-Mainnet): November 25, 2018
  • End of Phase 1: February 2019
  • End of Phase 2: May 2019
  • End of Phase 3: After 2 September, 2019 (Ethereum AE tokens become non-transferable)

According to this, We can expect Mainnet after November 25 2018 and before February 2019! This is exciting. :smiley:

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