As my understanding goes, We cannot perform transactions of BTC or TESLA on top of AEternity. So I want to create algorithmic stable coins for BTC (AEBTC) and TESLA (TAESLA). Then I will create a swap contract on top of those AEX-9 (stable coins).
Tracking transactions of BTC and TESLA can be done from the outside like BTC light node and upstocks API for TESLA (Scripts listening and providing provable data to mint coins inside AE contracts, if required)
I am looking for a $30k initial funding for research & development of algorithmic stable coins on top of Aeternity which I am looking to complete in the next 2 weeks with working contracts and later create contracts to perform the swap operations to opt-in for the $100k challenge in 1-month time frame (That is set by you)
Please let me know your questions and I will be more than glad to answer.
@VitalJeevanjot Thank you for the post. If you want to apply for a grant for the open source development, please use the foundations’ grant application [template] for it. However if you want a bounty from the Aeternity Anstalt please apply for this directly to Yani. Please note that the AF and the Aeternity Anstallt are different organisations.