[Update] Week #18 - Base æpp

Hybrid Voting æpp

During week 18 we completed and released the following:

  • Desktop connection: users can sign transactions inside aepps running on a desktop browser using the mobile base aepp.
  • Ledger integration: users can sign transactions in a desktop browser using ledger (seeing the account balance in their mobile base æpp as well as in the desktop browser).
  • AirGap interation (separate device): users can connect an AirGap Vault (on a separate device) account to the base æpp and sign transactions with this account.

All three approaches work with the Hybrid Voting æpp.

We decided however to direct users who plan to sign their transactions with a base æpp account (not a Ledger or an AirGap Vault one) to opening the Hybrid Voting æpp on their mobile devices. This makes the user experience simpler considering the time constraints we had in implementing each one of these options.


We released v0.8.0 of the base æpp in web (base.aepps.com). I will write a separate blog post related to all the features included in this release.

We are moving to a biweekly release schedule. We agreed on a format, completed the v0.8.0 release and planned the release related to Sprint 39. We will share more about our release planning/format soon.

Sprint 39

We finished Sprint 38, set our goals for Sprint 39 and began working towards them. I will share links to the epics part of Sprint 39 shortly.

Waffle to ZenHub

As our beloved GitHub tracking tool is closing it’s doors we moved to ZenHub for organizing & tracking our SCRUM/Agile activities.


Any plans to incorporate the test naming system in the Base aepp?

Yes. We do. I’m currently investigating if we can use part of the NS demo that was built already OR if it makes more sense for us to start from scratch (perhaps because we need tighter integration and there is not much to reuse).