Week #18 - Product Coordinators Weekly Development Update

Hello everyone,

we’ve worked hard and many teams have completed a bunch of features in the past week. Unfortunately, our Friday-Recording was without sound due to the internet issues of the recordee (in this case myself). We will update this post with individual written updates from all the teams and i will also share a collection of links to the most important updates here.

Let us start with the billing overview for the product teams (these are not all people working on projects but its a rough overview from current contributors):

Followed by the written team updates:


Here is a soundless recording of the call for lip-readers :slight_smile: we will take care that this doesn’t happen again:

Important release

We also release the aetenrity hybrid voting aepp. Information to the ongoing voting (until May 14th) can be found here



Update from the SDK and Middleware teams:

Python SDK
Support for State Channels begun
Functions implemented to format numbers in a human-readable way for the command-line interface
One can now transfer a proportion of one’s balance in both SDK and CLI

For the next sprint, the focus will be documentation and continuing State Channel development

Oracle support begun

For the next sprint, focus will be stabilisation of Oracles, and the naming system (AENS).

State Channel stability has been improved, as has support for the ACI (external) compiler.
For the next sprint the focus will be preparing for the next hard fork, and Generalised Accounts.

We’ve begun to prepare a high-performance hosting environment which will also improve availability
Some errors in importing have been fixed, and libraries updated
CORS now works even with Origin: null which was an issue
Testing is now a little better, though still not great

Focus next sprint is the noise library, and indexing Oracle queries and responses

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I’ve added links to the ongoing work on AEX’s join the discussion here:

Added the documentation hub update above

A new update from the AirGap Team just came in

We are testing Gitcoin to outsource some work to the community. Check it out here



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And another update from aexpansions

Another great update coming in from the Elixir SDK Team

There is an update on AEX-6 coming in just now:

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Added to the written update, a short video-update from Martin to the Dev-Suite: